Playing dwarfs, you realise how fast everything else seems to be, so, I’ve added a dwarf Lord with wings of honeymaze. He hasn’t seen action yet, for obvious reasons, but I’m hoping he will be a useful distraction.
Very cool
Jetpack Dwarf! Funky, with a real steampunk vibe!
Love it.
Very nice, original idea. A part of me cries, “It’ll never fly!”, but hey, this is fantasy after all…
I just realized that you COULD put a dwarven lord on a dragon or wyvern and say its a mounted dwarf lord with wings of honeymaze… You my friend have opened a glorious pandora’s box of ideas for flying dwarves. Pointy ears across the world will have nightmares of flying stunties tonight
Base size would be wrong though. At least nothing far too big should be used.