Forum Survey - thoughts on the responses


Snapshot (current activity):

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yes

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Elves

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Hunters of the wild

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: 1,500-2,000


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Elves

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 3rd

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 0

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: none

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: no

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: Deadzone


How did you find this forum?
A: Giant Dwarf podcast

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Dash28

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Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yes

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: switching from FoN to EoD right now (EoD would be the answer considering the whole time I play KoW; I tend to play predominantly one army for about a year, then switch to another one; I can field EoD, Herd, FoN)

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Forest Shamblers

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: 2000-2300


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: EoD, Herd, FoN

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 2ed, from its start

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 0%

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: A small tournament in Prague, Czechia dome time early in 2020

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: Yes, UB2

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: Vanguard, Armada


How did you find this forum?
A: I do not recall, most likely seen it mentioned on DakkaDakka

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Mantic blog

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[quote=“MarkG, post:7, topic:2633”]
Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: yesit is

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Whichever army i am currently working on, so My Herdi guess, closely followed by Goblins

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A:a horde of Tribal spear i think

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
General: Tribal Cheiftain

What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A:Orc, Northern Alliance, Goblin and Herd

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A:3rd edition, although i tried 2nd once with my son

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A:Eons ago

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: yes

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: none


How did you find this forum? recommended by a fellow gamer


Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: facebook



Snapshot (current activity):

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yes

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Ogres

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Ogre Chariots

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: 2000


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Basileans, Dwarfs, Elves, Forces of Nature, Trident Realms, Abyssal Dwarfs, Forces of the Abyss, Goblins, Nightstalkers, Orcs, Undead, Salamanders, Herd, KoM, LoR, Halflings, Ratkin, Northern Alliance, Ogres, Varangrrr, Twiglet Kin, Sylvan Kin, Undead… but not Empire of Dust, never them, I hate sand, it’s coarse and gets everywhere!

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: Beta Rules

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 50%

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: 2013 tourney in Newtonards

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: Yes, UB

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: Deadzone, Firefight, Warpath, Dreadball, Vanguard, Dungeon Saga, Armada, Star Saga, Hell Boy, League of Infamy, The Walking Dead (both AOW & CTA)


How did you find this forum?
A: When the old forum died and Fred talked about starting this one on Fantatics

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Mantic Blog


Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yes

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Herd

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: 2x Centaur Chieftains

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: 2300 / 1995


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Salamanders, Trident Realm, Herd, Forces of the Abyss / Ratkin

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 2E (pre-COK 2017)

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 0%

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: Best of the Rest GT alongside the US Masters (Feb 2020)

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: Yes, on Universal Battle

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: None (but I have NIB Armada Orcs!)


How did you find this forum?
A: I think from a post on DakkaDakka

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Probably YouTube battle reports, but I appreciate Dash28, blogs like Untl Somebody Loses An Eye, and Kings of War Fanatics is a good scroll, loads of hobby content these days. I also follow a number of KOW hobbyists on IG.

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Snapshot (current activity):

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yes

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Night-stalkers

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Planar Apparition (using a Warmachine miniature)

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: 2300 is common around here.
I usually have a 2000 point version of my list saved though.
I usually plan 2500 points worth when getting models for an army, gives some options.


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Night-stalkers and Dwarfs

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 2nd Edition.

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 5% maybe? Really only to field bigger armies than I have models for.

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: Digital Throne, a Canadian online tournament.
In person; there was a local event in February 2020.

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: Yes, Universal Battle 2.

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: I want to play Vanguard, but haven’t had a opponent in a while and the rules miss the the mark a bit.


How did you find this forum?
A: Saw Fred announce it on Facebook and immediately started a thread to get my badge.

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Dash 28, Facebook, Several blogs that do battle reports and Mantic Blog



Snapshot (current activity):

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?

What is your primary army at the moment?

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A:Steel Behemoth

What point size are you playing at/planning for?


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A:Dwarfs, Orcs and Goblins

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A:3rd edition

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?

What other Mantic games do you play?


How did you find this forum?

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?



Snapshot (current activity): For what it’s worth…

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yes. (Solo play or the odd weekend with my partner)

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Twilight Kin

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Assembling Tallspears, Butchers and Bloodworms.

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: An army is never finished. (preferably 1500-2000pts a side)


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Just starting out but Twilight Kin and Empire of Dust

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 3rd Edition (Halipi’s Rift was just released)

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 0%

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: None

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: No

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: KoW Armada


How did you find this forum?
A: Google search for Nighstalker paint schemes

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Mantic Blog. Occasionally DakkaDakka

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Snapshot (current activity):

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: KOW is my primary game, thinking of buying into Armada, but don’t know anybody playing it yet.

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Orcs

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: finished 2 regiments of orc Gore Riders last week and building 2 troops of skulk outriders now.

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: no point size, just building and painting whatever I want and build an army from game to game.


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Abyssal dwarves and orcs

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: Beginning of 2nd edition

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: never, not a fan.

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: none yet, but would like to… but time and family…

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: Universal Battle and tabletop simulator

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: None


How did you find this forum?
A: Can’t remember

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: YouTube battlereports, podcasts, and Facebook.


Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: It’s pretty much my main one right now, otherwise I play board games with miniatures.

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Elves!

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Palace Guard for elves, using some isle of blood swordmasters

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: I’m not sure! Really just building and painting right now


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Elves, again. I’ve got the starter box with ratkin, but it’s not quite “playable”

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 2nd edition, reading the rules. Third edition, playing.

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: 0

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: I’ve never played a tournament.

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: None

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: Star Saga, Probably Armada soon


How did you find this forum?
A: Googled for forums

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: This is the main one for me

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Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Yup sure is!

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Elves forever :laughing:

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Drakon Riders

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: Currently at 1800, aiming for at least 2300 and beyond :slight_smile:


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Elves for KoW and a little Undead Warband, the later being very small for now.

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 2nd edition

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: Not at all so far.

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: Hoping to attend the large German tournament in September, which would be my first.

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: Nope

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: Dungeon Saga, Vanguard, probably Armada before long.


How did you find this forum?
A: Frankly, don’t remember, but now I’m here :laughing: (Probably google :wink: )

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: This Forum I certainly frequent the most often, but I also look at the Mantic blog and even the KoW Facebook presence occasionally.

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Just giving this a bump in case anyone missed it first time round.

Is Kings of War your primary miniatures game? If no, what is?
A: Battletech is my true love but heavily into KoW especially when it comes to the painting side of the hobby.

What is your primary army at the moment?
A: Current WiP is Dwarves

What unit did you last work on (painting or building)?
A: Dwarf infantry by OathMark

What point size are you playing at/planning for?
A: 2000 ponits with loads of options - so large armies


What KoW armies can you put on the table?
A: Undead, Goblin, Elf at 2K (probably)

When did you ‘get into’ Kings of War (by edition or Clash update)?
A: 2nd edition

Roughly, what percentage of the time do you select allies?
A: Never but no issue with it

What was the last tournament you attended (in any capacity)?
A: None

Have you ever played KoW online? If yes, what platforms?
A: No

What other Mantic games do you play?
A: Dungeon Saga played a good bit, bought Walking Dead starter, enjoyed Dreadball as well.


How did you find this forum?
A: Looking for pictures of KoW miniatures if I remember correctly

Other than this forum, what’s your favourite site/social media etc for KoW?
A: Probably youtube battle reps.


Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply! I hope people enjoyed reading each others responses.

I’m really glad I asked what other sites/content people look at - a last minute addition. Though I wish I’d added, ‘If no, why not?’ to the tournament and the online game questions.

The 20 or so responses give me a very different impression of the KoW community than the podcasts I listen to (my other main source of content). Less people involved in tournaments, Universal Battle games etc. Generalising, the forum probably captures more people quietly working on projects at home, compared to a lot of output from people on competitive play on various podcasts. I’m not on Facebook (not a fan) - I wonder if this falls somewhere between and podcasts?

I was also surprised that more people didn’t play other Mantic games (people on podcasts more into all things Mantic?). This might change with opening up and Armada, as a fleet and mass battle game seem particularly well suited to tie in together. Plus the amount of hobby to get started with Armada seems much lower (though I’ve seen some stunning ships!).

I’d be interested in other people’s thoughts on the responses - was there anything that surprised you?

It’s not too late to complete the survey - all the replies are interesting!


I’m one that would like to play more mantic games when I am able to. But i’ve got to balance that out with the fact that I am also very easily distracted by new hobby things. Gotta stay focused!


Of course the most hardcore fans would be the ones to commit the time to coordinate, record, and edit a podcast for free! That makes a lot of sense. As for not playing other Mantic games, they’re all in different genres. I’ve basically already got sci-fi and fantasy skirmish games I’m invested in, its the mass battle I’m here for! …and fleets, when Elves.

In the case of playing online, the reason I don’t is that I might as well play an actual video game with graphics, or paint my models!


Yeah, I picked up on the non-tournament comments of a lot of the responses, and not just a temporary hiatus due to covid etc.

You can get some very competitive event players, some who just really like the tournament scene for the social side and others who can pretty much only get games at these sort of events.

A forum does lend itself well to slow grow modeling threads, and might appeal more to some less media savvy people than setting up blogs etc (me!)

Re the other mantic games, I’ve got 5 fleets for Armada(!), but not got a game in as yet :wink: Some of the scifi range(s) do look appealing, and there are a couple of guys who do have some stuff, while dreadball seems quite easy to get into.


What is your primary army at the moment?

  • Undead - 3
  • Dwarves - 3 (assume all Imperial)
  • Elves - 3
  • Other - 3 (no primary, all primary, multiple - Und. & FotA)
  • The Herd - 2
  • Twilight Kin - 2
  • Forces of Nature - 1
  • Halflings - 1
  • Empire of Dust -1
  • Ogres - 1
  • Night-stalkers - 1
  • Orcs - 1

A good spread of the armies! Echoes the variety that we see at tournaments on the whole.


What point size are you playing at/planning for?

Variable - 5

2000 - 5

2000 / 2300 - 4

2300 - 3

1500 to 2000 - 3

1500 - 2

@Vince - totalled these up after reading your topic.


Way too late, but I never could resist a survey.

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