Keno's Undead - (probably) never finished

Very cool unit :slightly_smiling_face: I like how the colors on shields and banner are “reflected” on the basing.

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Thanks @WolleK,
I tried to give the army a more unified look through the basing. Undead have quite a few units where I couldn’t apply my paint scheme, so the bases had to take over.

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I played around with a few old models and built myself a Deathpack.


The army looks great

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This is absolutely gorgeous! I loved the zombie legion and the cavalry, especially.

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Everything looks super cool
Great Job!

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As an undead player, I can say that you’re giving me ideas!

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Thanks for the nice replies! I have limited hobby time at the moment, but I finished a second Necromancer. It’s a Mantic Open Day exclusive from 2017 that I got from Ebay.


nice Necromancer model

A long road to 2000 with undead, but that does look promising. I LOVE the ghoul stealing the baby :scream: it’s so perverted and atrocious, but so damn well fitting!

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Thanks a lot!
Yes, it’s a long way. It took me ages to finish the Zombie legion, but in the end I’d only painted 170pt!
But it’s fun!
The Heresy Ghouls are brilliantly disgusting. I’ll post a pic of the current state of the Ghoul horde later.

My Ghoul horde so far:


I had a game a few weeks back. It was my first ever fully painted rank and flank game! My Undead against my friends Imperial Dwarfs. We took 1250pt. I lost closely, I forgot that KoW is an objective based game. We took too much terrain (we were used to Vanguard), but it looked so damn good!

Pictures are bad though.


I agree, it looks damn good :blush:

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Absolutely, it does look really good! How did you decide on terrain? I always use the epic dwarf maps, but fancy a change


Thanks @WolleK and @HouseElf,
the decisions of where to put what were taken with years of tabletop experience, a few beers and no consistent pattern😉.
We kept blocking terrain out of the way, put a hill in the middle and a few pieces to provide cover on both sides. The barricades (walls,fences, hedge) were a bit much. Lastly we tried to distribute the terrain fairly equal on both sides. The three stones were objectives placed according to the rules. All the rest was asthetics.

If all goes well( looking at you bastard virus😠), there will be a 1500pt rematch on November 1st

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Haha. That all seems like a sensible way to go with the terrain. I think I’ll give it go as well. If I end up with a terrain heavy table, so be it. It might stop the bloody war trombones and spitters shooting me off the table too…
Fingers crossed, you’re able to play again in November

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Your game looks epic!

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Thanks for the nice replies!
Here are the first 5 (+1) Revenants.

They will get a rust pigment treatment once they are completly dry.


I made only slow progress. Even more so, since my youngest ripped all ten Revenants off of their base😄
But now I’m back on track and the third rank is almost finished.

I picked up a troop of Soul Reaver Cav and a troop of Wraiths dirt cheap on Ebay though, so progress was made after all.