Mahou Palace Guard

Having recently decided to re-vitalise my Brotherhood Army into two new Armies , Brothermark and Green Lady , I started to playtest lists , I quickly came to realise the worth of the Ogre Palace Guard in the Brothermark List but then realised the cost involved for the , minimum, two hordes i needed , so I trolled the KoW pages on Facebook and found that both Jonathan Faulkes and Sam Sowden Garcia had successfully utilised GW Stormcast Eternals in the role. This was a godsend as I had around twenty of these that had been “Donated” at some point in the past :slight_smile:
I did a side by side comparison of a standard Mantic Ogre and a GW Eternal and realised that , while comparable in size , the ogre has a different neck shape , this would have ment that placing the hollow backed ogre head onto the suitably shaved Stormcast head would result in a too tall and straight backed Ogre , so with some experimentation I came to a procedure I liked , this involved carefully ( LOL ) removing the Eternals head and then using copious amounts of Green Stuff to make a neck for the Ogre head to sit on , then using more Green Stuff to disguise the bodge with an distinctly Basilean Hair-do :rofl:
The test models went well and I proceeded to produce the first batch . These were then painted , I went for a White Armour for a sign of purity and used Purple and Yellow for the robes , these match my current Basilean colour scheme based on the Eastern Roman Empire of the Middle Ages.
I decided to base the Ogres into a ruined Chapel , 3D printed , to fit the Brothermark back story of reclaiming lost lands while being “helped” by the Basileans .
The Army will continue to grow as I have Penitents , Villein Skirmishers and Knights of the Abyssal Hunt to add , hopefully I will share some of those pictures with you all soon.
Thanks For Looking :smiley:


Great idea well executed

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nice WIP pics to help us see how you get to the final unit, lovely work.


Great idea with a fantastic execution.


The Ogrecast (Stormogres?) are a lot of fun, and look great too :smiley:


I wasn’t sure it would. But you made it work. It seems the best use for sigmarines is being cannibalized for other projects!


They look awesome! Great use of the ruins of generica prints on the base as well, I also backed that KS and have (slowly) been printing out a full Vanguard board.