Monster March - Painting Topic

WIP Gladestalker troop #2 or combo into a regiment.


Two more troops of ice kin hunters:



Here is (late) final update of the #MonsterMarch6 painting challenge!

Many thanks to all the participants and apologies for unplanned delay in posting the Final of Monster March!

Congratulations to all participants! Well done and see you next year!


well done everyone. There are some spectacular models in there. If i had to choose though, it’d be the big troll with the hammer for me, but so many other great contenders.

I always seem to have run out of models to paint in March and they arrive in April instead, so i’ve missed the boat.


Great work by yourself this year Swordmaster to organise this event again.

Super stuff from every one of the contributors. Truly inspiring painting, modeling and even printing.

Real life kept me too busy this year - been struggling to complete a horde of Dwarves the last six weeks and making very slow progress.


Thanks @Nav !

Please, keep one spare model next year, just in case :slight_smile:

I am really happy that you liked the models and checked the progress, even if you didn’t not participate directly. The challenge is for that reason too, so that we all can enjoy our hobby. Either directly or indirectly.

And when it is done for a year, everyone gets inspired anyway!


Hi @Niall78 !

Thanks a lot! It is absolute pleasure to host the event. All the hard work is done by the participants, so main thanks should always go to them :slight_smile:

I know what you mean by real life interference. But look at the bright side, get the inspiration from the magnificent projects done this year and continue with yours! One Dwarf at the time :smiley:


Many thanks again for putting on the whole thing, @Swordmaster ! I can’t wait until the next one.


Thanks for running yet again, Swordy! And happy I could join in this year :slightly_smiling_face:


i never understood why people have unpainted models…( not boasting here, or putting myself on a pdastal. It’s more to do with economics and motovation. Seeing something i like, doesn’t always mean i’ll buy it, or not straight away. i have a couple of items on a wish list that i might get around too at some point, like Radagast the Brown on the rabbit sleigh… great model but $100! Maybe, at some point, but i couldn’t justify that spend lightly.) . I buy models, and i paint them… I might have the odd one that i hadn’t decided what to do with yet, but not whole units. When they are painted, i play with them. Maybe, I buy more models to paint at this time, or take a break to conserve cash until something i want comes up, or a new army concept gets me to start the cycle all over again.

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I try to do similar, but I often don’t quite finish all of what I’ve got. For instance I have five NA clansmen that are sort of surplus to requirements sat about. I got loads of stuff at Xmas and am ploughing through it but still accidentally bought a dwarf warband whilst drunk one night. I still haven’t quite finished off all the dungeon saga stuff I have and am less than half way through a basilean warband too!

I guess what I’m saying is, whilst I plan to be like you, I can see how people rapidly end up with a load of unpainted stuff!


i love the comment: accidentally bought a dwarf warband whilst drunk one night. i had to laugh at that. I struggled to finish off my goblins, getting two starter kits plus a ccouple of other regiments all at once. I tend to do a regiment, or a horde, and then treat myself with a HQ or Monster to break the monotony. Or, i’ll take a break and build a couple of nice bases, to motivate myself to paint the next unit.

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@Swordmaster cheers for running again.

Some really awesome stuff done by everyone.

@Nav Barring the oathmark humans, everything else was done from ploughing through the grey back log - much of which was pretty old.

Tend to buy stuff, build 1/2 to 2/3 of it, get side tracked, then rinse and repeat! I’ll then return to projects, complete bits and pieces then buy extra odds and sods which take my fancy.

Since list building and whether anything actually works on the table is usually quite an afterthought, armies tend to grow organically without any real plan (the absolute contrast to some gamers i know, who will write and playtest lists, then buy and paint the chosen version)


@Sceleris, my comments were in no way meant to be judgemental of others, but merely a reflection on how i manage my own purchases/painting/gaming… and your own workrate is enviable. :slight_smile:

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i’d be in agreement on that. I buy and paint to suit my whims, or the vision i have of the models within my own army rather than building a winning army. I don’t get many games in, due to my location and health issues, so focusing on what i like is far more important than making it competative.