Hello everyone !
Sorry for my french accent ahah.
So today I bought the new Uncharted Empire book and took a look to my TK.
What a surprise , this is really a big change comparing to before.
Exit Hydra, pegasus, TK on abyssal mount, chariots and Dragon ! Sooo saaad for lots of my minis
Welcome lots of new stuff.
As a reminder we have access to Main list:
Kindred Tallspears, Kindred Archers, Kindred Gladestalkers*, Silverbreeze Cavalry*, Therennian Sea Guard*, Bolt Thrower, Dragon Breath, Army Standard Bearer, Elven Prince.
and to specific units:
Impalers, Blade Dancers, Cronebound Gargoyles*, Cronebound Butchers*, Cronebound Shadowhounds*, Cronebound Abyssal Horsemen, Cronebound Needle-fangs*, Cronebound Fiends*, Cronebound Mind-screech, Cronebound Shadow-hulk, Cronebound Banshee, Cronebound Archfiend, Twilight Assassin, Soulbane, Summoner Crone and Mikayel[1]
What do you think about these changes ? What new armies will look like ?