Overmaster, hexcaster and a couple more throwing mastiff markers
Great war engines! And impressive progress across the board.
Down to 58 dwarfs and 6 gargoyles to do by 22nd July.
Everything is built, the dwarfs have all had some initial work done and just need to stop being sidetracked!
Group shot of the gargoyles.
34 infantry to go for the tournament army. Will possibly do a quick and simple display board for it as well.
Have another helfane, a slave driver on chariot and some halfbreeds in the unbuilt pile. Do want to add some Grotesques, another couple of boxes of golems and some slaves - but will probably come back to these at a later date while i project hop to something else
They are coming along nicely, @Sceleris bravo.
He** yeah! (or do those Dwarfs say “Abyss yeah!?” ) Awesome looking army @Sceleris !
Finished army and display board.
Went 2-1-2 at event, which I’m pretty happy with given I’d never used the army before.
Didn’t go to Clash in the end last year, but the AD are getting a run out this time round.
Think I’ve got a list in mind, but got the mojo to build more stuff for them anyway!
Skaven Plague Furnace will be another Helfane (slave aura one) - the Chaos warshrine as the the Abomination aura one and my free Clash Titan will be the mantic model as the Inspiring one.
“Dwarfs, you say, old chap! That’ll never catch on! Rommell would have had you shot for such impertinence! I mean, one or two of the stunty beggars, just to be themeatical, of course. Some of my best friends are stunties, but they have the common decency to avoid cluttering together into any formal units. Give the beggars the big guns i say.!”
I’m currently working on dwarfs myself to go with my Free Dwarfs, but mainly for KoW as that’s the only thing i’m getting game time with these days, and little enough of that
Year later than originally planned, but the Abyssal Dwarfs will march to Clash. Now to do a simple display board.