Armada - questions after first battle

After I painted up my fleet for Armada about a year ago, I managed to sneak in a game last weekend. Like any kind of game, there’s always some questions after the first few battles, so here we go:

-According to the ship’s cards, all my Basilean ships have a red turning angle, except for the Gur Panther, which has yellow. I I read the rules correctly, a red turning angle allows for a better turn than a yellow one. In the fluff, the Gur Panther is described as the more nimble ship, so it does not make sense to have the worse turning angle. What am I doing wrong?

-According to the rules, players must avoid collisions where possible. Can I “park” my ships in front of the enemies’ ships in a way that a crash is unavoidable?

-The Basilean Elohi battleship has very few guns for a ship its size and point costs(2H, 1L, 1C broadsides, 1L Front). What is the use of this ship? Especially since 2 gur panthers carry roughly the same armament for fewer points. The Abbess rocks, btw!

Thanks for answering!

According to the ship’s cards, all my Basilean ships have a red turning angle, except for the Gur Panther, which has yellow. I I read the rules correctly, a red turning angle allows for a better turn than a yellow one. In the fluff, the Gur Panther is described as the more nimble ship, so it does not make sense to have the worse turning angle. What am I doing wrong?
-nothing at all, I’m not sure why the Gur doesn’t get the better turn.

According to the rules, players must avoid collisions where possible. Can I “park” my ships in front of the enemies’ ships in a way that a crash is unavoidable?

  • no, you can park them to force a test, but you can’t wall someone in, there is always a chance that the ships will manoeuvre to not crash

The Basilean Elohi battleship has very few guns for a ship its size and point costs(2H, 1L, 1C broadsides, 1L Front). What is the use of this ship? Especially since 2 gur panthers carry roughly the same armament for fewer points. The Abbess rocks, btw!

-The Elohi is a main line ship, you can only take two support ships for every main line ship. You could build a fleet with no Elohi and lots of Panthers but you’ll struggle for the unlocks in the list building. They also have more potential upgrades and the Halo of Light rule that helps prevent damage.

Hope that helps some

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Yes, Thanks! Glad to see that I understand the turning rules as intended!

It’s a bit disappointing to view the Elohi as an sub-optimal unlock ship, especially since I own four of them. (two painted) but I may paint up a few more ships to replace them! The abbess is a great build, so I’m not sorry to paint another one.