Blessing of the Gods

Now that Elite is split up for melee and ranged, if a unit like Enslaved Guardian Archers is given Blessing of the Gods to make them elite, does one need to signify what type of elite they are? Or would they be given elite to both roles of melee and ranged? If they’re elite on both, would that count for both phases in a turn? So they’d be elite when shooting, but also elite if they were surged into another unit? Would there be any difference for a unit like Ice Elementals who have a spell attack, and not a true ranged attack?

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The way I read it, the limitation for one phase (melee/ranged) is not a necessity: I’m pretty sure some units are simply ‘elite’. So, for me, Blessing of the Gods gives you elite (both).

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The additional restriction on elite (or vicious) that some units has is a limitation over and above the basic rule. Blessing of the gods (chant of hate) don’t make any additional restriction, so applies equally to shooting and melee

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Awesome. Would it also apply to spells?

Default spells you have, yes.

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Thanks for the input! Still fairly new to wargaming in general, let alone KoW lol