Undead Generals- what are your thoughts on the army in 3rd?
What do you like / dislike ?
How has your army changed from 2nd ?
What has/ hasn’t worked for you?
Share a list, tell us about a game you had.
Undead Generals- what are your thoughts on the army in 3rd?
What do you like / dislike ?
How has your army changed from 2nd ?
What has/ hasn’t worked for you?
Share a list, tell us about a game you had.
This was a month ago. Since then I did do 2 battles.
I learned that grinding is important, but raw combat power is very valueable too. For instance, ogres can mount serious offense in a small area (2 large infantry hordes) killing in a 2 vs1 scenario most units in one go. This army did quite well in dealing with ogres as it’s got enough power to deal with the ogres after the chaff and hordes of skeletons eventually fall.
The other army (Goblins) I faced managed to to a lot of damage with their inevitable wall of units. Even my army got swarmed, especially by the light cavalry that managed to flank me.
I did not face the highly mobile armies which dominated V2 in the new edition. No idea how the army will hold up.
I really like the idea of a Zombie list. The units are really affordable. I fell like the Zombie Vicious Aura has some merrit.
This looks like a lot of fun to me.
Army: Undead
Points: 2300
Unit Strength: 28
Drops: 17
190, Zombie Troll Horde
190, Zombie Troll Horde
190, Zombie Troll Horde
70, Zombie Regiment
70, Zombie Regiment
70, Zombie Regiment
115, Zombie Troll Regiment
115, Zombie Troll Regiment
115, Zombie Troll Regiment
115, Zombie Troll Regiment
115, Zombie Troll Regiment
175, Goreblight
175, Goreblight
250, Revenant King on Undead Great Flying Wyrm
115, Necromancer (surge 8)
– Aura (Vicious (Melee) - Zombie only)
– Bane Chant (2)
– Drain Life (5)
115, Necromancer ( Surge 8)
– Aura (Vicious (Melee) - Zombie only)
– Bane Chant (2)
– Drain Life (5)
115, Necromancer (Surge 8 )
– Aura (Vicious (Melee) - Zombie only)
– Bane Chant (2)
– Drain Life (5)
This list builds on the Vicious Aura. The points per damage numbers are fantastic. As a general rule up to about 150-165 pts, the game is about 50 pts per wound. So about 150 pts for 3 damage at Def 5 is average. So looking at this, charge, Undead Zombies are looting a huge discount with the Vicious aura. I personally love these kinds of Effects that motivate thematic play.
You’ll notice a 17 drops! Thats a lot of wounds to chew through while undead is getting the objectives. The opponent needs to be activily killing a lot of stuff by turn 3 or its going to be bogged down in chaff and missing objectives. And the Unit strength is so high, a slow army could get stuck out side of the dominate zone for example.
Throw in the Surge shenanigans and Drain life 5 just to cause insult to injury when they fail to break that zombie unit. Hilarious casing that Drain life in combat. Get the brawl going with surging into a target you wouldnt normally be able to see.
Lets not forget those two Goreblight Auras causing decay each turn - Crazy goodness.
The list needs some counter play like a Dragon, or Mounted Vampire to charge 360deg to prevent flanks from flying flankers and such. but with so much on the table, I fell like this is the undead’s game to lose.
Nice…but who has that many Zombie Trolls??!
Have you found cheap alternatives?
hahah! I said the same thing two nights ago. I would have built this already if I had the ZTroll models.
But I’ll be trying it on UB one of these days soon to see where the weaknesses are.
The problem is going to be Salamanders. From the bits I saw, they are going to be BEASTMODE.
The undead one they’ve just done is a good listen
I have had two Regs of Skeleton warriors in my list for some time. Mainly for chaff or scenario purposes.
In 3rd I tried giving them spears, and I like them so far.
3 hordes
Which means that the 5 more regiments are lacking. it’s a good idea, but I don’t think I’ll be building that many.
The abominations centred on the picture are custom-built using Mantic Ghouls and lotsa green stuff. Maybe I have some more close-up pictures, I’ll lookinto them later on.
3 hordes is probably more than most have! What are the Zombie Trolls on the left?
If you want an absolutely massive amount of troll-sized skeletons, I’d take a look at these.
They are way too big to be standard skeletons, but fit the size ratio of trolls really well. They’re more “skeleton trolls” over zombie trolls, and have a distinct Egyptian motif going on, but for $20 per 100, I can’t find a cheaper mini. Buyer beware, you get what you pay for.
They’d probably make good Enslaved Guardians while we’re at it… if you wanted an army composed of nothing but enslaved guardians.
Not an easy one. Thats clearly the budget method.
Trying to think of a way to get something a bit more “monstrous”.
I’ve been looking at Privateer press plastic units. But something Zombie-like hasn’t popped up that I like yet.
Dark Alliance war trolls?
They are 1/72 scale LotR-esq models and with the right paint job will look OK, plus are about £10 for 8
Nice figs but look more alive than Undead.
Maybe chop off a limb here and there. Add some wounds and holes in armor, etc. Appropriate paint job, could work!
It’s custom built using GW rat ogre bodies, tyranid limbs combined with a lot of green stuff and about anything I found in my bits box.
Edit: I found a WIP picture of when I built these:
Second hand gw crypt horrors? Plenty on eBay, eg https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/4-CRYPT-HORRORS-Plastic-Undead-Vampire-Counts-Flesh-Eater-Courts-Well-Painted-74-/303382594373
These work excellently. I do love the models, painted them as a commission one time.
Edit: I took a few new pictures of my Z-trolls. Findthe link here.. Also info how I built these.