Campaign battle books?

Coming over from warhammer, games workshop has always done some great campaigns. We’ve had a good few campaigns in kings of war, i was particularly fond of the rift campaign that introduced the rift-forged orcs. I was wondering as kings of war gets more novels in the world of pannithor; should we expect to see more campaigns and what would we like them to be? Would you like to see new armies introduced? maybe a spell focused faction, or maybe a new type of elite army with few units that pack a punch. Would you like to see new areas of pannithor explored, or maybe another continent with new terrain possibilities? Would you like to see rule wise in mini updates, or how about campaign specific features? Age of Sigmar does this to an extent where on lava fields players need to be careful about open pits o lava or exploding lava bombs landing on the board, or in heavily forested parts of the setting they have to navigate costantly growing forest on the table. Would any of you be hoping for some more tourney rules updates along with the campaign book? or how about some lore updates with factions that haven’t got any in a while?


No books as of yet, but I know some Clash of Kings had some mini champaign battles in them.

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For now 2 of the 3 Clash of Kings books had some sort of narrative campaign in addition to rules updates
Which is a reason why they are still worth buying for the narrative players and I expect to get more story driven content.


Mantic also tend to an annual participation campaign, where for about a month players can submit results which then feeds into the next chunk of timeline development etc


I was in two of their global campaigns. Really fun with the narrative battles even if some of them were a tad unbalanced. I think first one was my favorite as it had its own site that you unlocked titles and scores the more you played. I even wrote up my battle reports from the point of view from the arimes in that event. Need to start doing that again.


that sounds really fun. i’d love to have mantic do that type of stuff again.


I would love that!

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