Centurian Bigheth Dikheth and his Roman Invasion : Kingdom of Men

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And the rest of the Praetorians

Another 30 Imperial Roman Legionnaires done.
I noticed that there was a number of the ‘masked’ heads in my Roman bits box, so i opted to dig them all out and make a full unit of 20 of them. I had to cheat a little, but hopefully it works.
Then, i had 10 left for a troop with normal heads. I still have 3 sprues left, of which at least one will be a command sprue. Also
i didn’t like how another unit’s base looked so i rebased those too. There is a water feature that will need further tweaks

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Hail Caesar units standard is 20 Infantry models in 2 rank deep for Romans, (or a regiment of 4x5 models in KoW). I have roughly 14-17 of those painted, depending on how i want to field them, and a few skirmishers for my two elephants, then some artillery and 3 regiments of cavalry. I still have a further 30 grey romans to complete the set. It is also balanced between Romans and Auxilleries. plus a few options for HQ/Generals. The real test though will be how they compare to my Britons/Gauls/Irish Celts. My Celts will look bigger though as they are 4 deep rather than 2 deep


My Imperial Roman Legion is ready to invade ancient Briton. On a 6’6" long battlefield they are at least two units deep, with Auxillary units in front and then the Roman Legionnaires behind. This particular project has taken a lot of hours of glueing and painting, and will still need my last spruce of ten men done, to say nothing of tidying up the odd bit, but it is certainly an impressive force.

God only knows the point count, but the bases are all adaptable to various game rules such as Kings of War and Hail Caesar.

I’ll reform them into KoW and work out their full point value KoW over the weekend.


Viola! A quick change out of their superhero clothing, underwear now inside their togas, and the Roman Legionnaires switch from Hail Caesar to Kings of War im the blink of an eye.

Needless to say, all, or at least most, can be made into numerous options of troop, regiment, horde or even , (dare i say it,) Legion.

With that done, i can now figure out points values and experiment with the various army options.

I will have to cobble together some blank movement trays as many of the ones i have are for heavy infantry

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Looking at the Historical KoW unofficial rules, they look very workable for my Roman Legionnaires, although at 280 points for their First Cohort legion of 60 models is a bit pricey compared to other legions. Even with Iron Resolve, and an additional 15 points for the additional upgrade of Pilum to add a Ra 4+ ranged attack one use only 12" Att8, Piercing. .

That being said, it is great to see a big block of infantry together as a unit. Roman legions were made for such a cohort.


I would want to double check but from what i have selected so far, useing the Unofficial Historique Supplement for KoW I make it 3470 points. so far, with one hero and 10 unpainted models to be done

Julius Caesar = 175
General on horse = 120
Aquilifer = 70
1st Cohort Roman Legion 295 , with Pilum +15 = 295
Praetorian Cavalry regiment = 180
Triarii (Veterans) 2 units @150 each including Pilum= 300
A regiments of Heavy Roman Warriors 150 +Pilum 15 with one regiment Praetarian Upgrades +15 = 180
A regiments of Heavy Roman Warriors 150 +Pilum 15 = 165
A troop of same = 100+ 15= 115
2 regiments of Roman Warriors with Pilum @ 130 each = 260
1 horde of Roman Warriors (without pilum) = 190
1 troop Roman Warrriors with pilum = 90
A horde of Auxillery Spearmen = 200
A regiment of Auxillery Spearmen = 120
A troop of Eastern Auxillery Archers = 75
One regiment of Balearic Slingers 125
One regiment of Western Auxillery Archers = 100
Two regiments of Medium Cavalry @ 150 each = 300
One Troop of 2 War Elephants = 170
2 Light Ballista (Scorpions) @ 75 each = 150
1 Mangonol = 90

Total = 3470

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When i added up my Barbarian Horde, i found that they were a little shy numerically. You just cant have Celts turning up at the party and finding themselves outnumbered. There’s etiquette to consider to say nothing of the likelihood of getting routed in turn one. So, i has to throw in a few Northern Alliance Clansmen to bolster the ranks of the great unwashed.

  1. In total between the 2 armies, it’s well over 700 miniatures, which is a little scary

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that’s not including war machines or horses

  1. [16:16]

or the two elephants in the room
Thankfully, they were not sourced through GamesWorkshop. They were mainly bought as starter box sets from Victrix, Warlord Games or Atlantic Dark Ages. Even at less than a €1.00 per model, it still starts to add up. Espescially when you add in paints, brushes etc.

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This is the EasyArmy builder for the old historical book which might be of interest/use?


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Cool . Many thanks @Sceleris .

A little side project. After using the Romans in the Kings of War Unofficial Rules supplement this weekend, i realised that some pilum markers, to track those units that had opted for pilums at 15 points per unit, (all of them of course. Why would you not want Att. 8 Ra 4 Piercing (1) once per game shots?!
They could also be used as token counters .

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