Meh, not much info on Undead other than one Command Ability gives a unit Life Leech (5) for a turn.
Seems like they get overlooked again.
I’m looking forward to try command dice.
I too was surprised at so little for Undead, tho IMO I think they’re really in need of a range refresh as well so maybe a bigger redux is headed down the pike? Also surprised at another round of not nerfing Imperial Dwarfs - I would be content if they removed the auto-take formation at the least. Combined with the lack of real changes to Northern Alliance, I feel like we’re headed towards another helping of increased NA + Dwarf presence.
Hearty support for the Ogre changes, break up The List a bit and force people to choose between Siege Breakers + Sergeants with crossbows or Warriors + Warlocks lightning spam. Or just proxy all their Ogres as Ogre Palace Guard and play Basileans
What were you expecting for undead?
As someone who doesn’t play undead (yet), the list looks solid. With loads of variety and the OG unique mechanic with surge.
I’m glad the Trident King is getting some love. Placoderms with elite still won’t be that great but Gigas will be interesting . Of course, the frog buff will see the most play but right now I prefer the boost to Naiads. Have to wait and see what the points costs are.
Hopefully TR received more buffs than just these as they are dependent on taking the King from what I’ve read.
Edit- CS 2 TC 1 for Dambusters? Welp, there’s our hammer
I still think we’ll only see the one Sharpness horde being taken, Me 4+ makes competitive players sad. Rally (2) from the King and the CS/TC swap does help them grind - which again, isn’t typically happening in 3.5E
You’re right. The list is not bad and has loads of options. Not everything useful though.
Skeletons are kind of obsolete, even though Mantic makes great models for them. Too pricey to be a better option to Zombies, while still being bad at almost everything.
The formation is fun, but you need to build and paint two legions of Zombies for it. So a second formation would be much appreciated.
The (not so) army wide special rule gives Liveleech +1, which is nice, but most of the time unnecessary on the units that can take it (only Zombies, Skellies and Revenants).
I think it’s quiet hard to deliver CS punch to a shooty opponent with undead, because Undead CS units tend to stick out a lot, can be very slow and are favourable targets for any opponent.
If I compare that to the changes Dwarfs got in CoK 24, basically (partly) removing their biggest (only?) weakness.
Ordered march to counter their slow movement.
Undead have Surge, but you still need to pay for it and roll dice.
I get the idea to push the own IP, with armies like Trident Realm, Abyssals, Nightstalkers, NA and the like. But Mantic still makes some of the best Undead models, drew a lot of former WHFB Undead player into KoW. Give them a little love!
Hey there, Salvage.
I believe the Blood of the Old King item will be used a lot more now since they’ve removed the drawback (even though they increased its cost) so potentially we could be seeing dual dambuster hordes running around.
Ha! You’re very right. Neither elite nor vicious on its own is enough polish to convince people to run two (!) units of toads, but I could definitely see both doing it. You know, I’m already kind of sick of BotOK and I haven’t even faced it yet