Clash of Kings info/updates

Oh wow a ribbon! I don’t know if you’re on Facebook, but I put so many of my thoughts there!

Given how cool the updates to the other Gladestalkers are, well, its a little disappointing to get a situational skill that won’t help their output. But since everyone keeps telling me “its fine don’t worry :)” while refusing to give more than that single crumb of info… yeah I’m just getting out of the hype cycle.

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Wow, you are emotional about SK! I think it fits the theme. I am in no way a ‘professional’ wargamer, so style is as important to me as playability. I’m not on FB, btw. I mean c’mon, really? Facebook? :wink:


That’s my secret Kaptain, I’m always very emotional! :stuck_out_tongue:

It does fit them pretty well, I’d just spent a day hyping myself up for a buff as neat as the Twilight Gladestalker versatility, only to get Stealthy … while my own Gladestalkers have never ever been shot by anything but lightning bolt. It’ll probably be fine, I guess.

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I know what you mean. They fall a bit flat compared to the TK Gladestalkers. It will probably help me defeating my friends ‘shooty’ dwarfs, though.

I will most likely feel the same disillusion when I see the buffs to skeletons and ghouls.


Else you can always field your sylvan kin as twilight kin, no?

That said, anyone else getting a bit nervous about the elf 4+ ranged / elite return? I vividly remember the highdays of the elven "gun"lines during Clash 2018. At least there’s no +1 ranged and +1 piercing artifacts these days…

Then again, we haven’t seen anything about the rest yet. Maybe veil of shadows and/or the disorder spell is getting a return too. If that’s the case, I;m a lot less worried!

And maybe, maybe, human shooters will actually become useful again. Back in 2018 I posted a comparison betweenelven and human shooters (mind: This was during the clash '18 update of 2nd edition KoW) in which I explained that elven archers were a lot better than the human counterparts. I concluded with the following request for KoW3:

“In KoW3 to have a better balance between elite (Elven) shooters and non-elite (i.e. human) shooters”

Frankly said, the RC delivered. Previously, no one took human crossbowmen and arquebussiers*, but elven archers were all the rage. In the first two years of 3rd edition, no one took any*2 of these units, period. …

So IF the elves are getting buffed, maybe there will be a reason to start multibasing those handgunners and crossbowmen I still have laying around from Warhammer days. In the six years I’ve played Kings of War, there’s never been a reason to actually multibase these!

*I can’t bear to call them riflemen. Arquebussiers were indeed a part of many late-midieval and renaissance armies, but riflemen were not included in professional armies until the early 19th century and didn’t become mainstay until 1850 or so. To include them in a quasi-renaissance army feels wrong.

*2: Archers excepted of course, but that’s only because they are a cheap unlock that may or may not shoot. The alternative @100 points is shield wall, an equal worthless unit.

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How would I run them as Twilight Kin? I don’t have Nightstalkers or even anything to use as Abyssal Horsemen… if anything I give in and run my army as regular Elves with forest theming.

But yeah it’d be nice if KoM guns got a bit of a bump too.

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A few spoilers for Halflings and Northern Alliance can be seen here:


So/too many spoilers/teasers, think I’ll wait for the book/EasyArmy

Edit: I was very interested to see the scope and shape of the Clash update - less so in the slow release of individual rules.

It would be good to see topics on each factions’ updates when the rules are released in their entirety (we had to look at the Halfling list out of the context of 3.5).

2nd edit: I was always going to buy this book, enthusiastically or reluctantly. I guess the hype is falling a bit flat for me.


For those interested: I’ve compiled a page of screenshots of specific new rules/changes/units from the various Clash of Kings 2022 spoiler videos on the Kansas City Kings of War Blog. There are also links to the spoiler source source videos and various podcasts with CoK '22 spoilers on the page.


Nice compilation - appreciate that it must have taken a bit of time. Having the official looking screen grabs is useful, particularly if you wanted to get something ready for day one of the new update.


Very nice! Thanks for the effort.
I wonder what Kindred Warriors for FoN/Sylvan Kin are? (Last entry)


Been wondering that too as soon as I spotted it @KptKeno ! It says Kindred Warriors (Elves) so my guess would be they are from the elves master list …

I would further guess: With Archers being more expensive now, Elves kind of lost their “cheapest unlock option”. So maybe … Kindred Warriors are going to be “Kindred Tallspears” without spears, probably for 120 points, so we still have an option to unlock at that price point if we want.

Would be my guess anyways, but now i really wanna know, grrrr why can’t the book be in the mail already :sweat_smile:


I love how they did release some actual information after going “Sylvan Kin get a lot” … on the spanish channel. Whoever is deciding on the hype strategy is hopefully gaining experience quick, because this is certainly a way of going about it.

Gotta hope there’s more changes, but those do look pretty neat. Pathfinder on our Stormwind kinda makes up for them not being Regular… time to get painting.


CC episode 520 all about the ‘new’ brothermark.


I think the most interesting thing for me, is the attention being paid to the theme lists that got nothing last time round. I’m assuming the direction from Mantic (to the RC - edit) changed completely.


I think recognizing that theme lists didn’t get to where they should and fixing that is going further in a direction as opposed to “changing it completely”.

The thing that changed is that there wasn’t enough to go on last year so CoK was added to Halpi’s Rift and was therefore limited (to a few pages).
This time Mantic asked for the biggest update yet and seem to want a step forward.

I suspect (i.e. here follows almost, but not entirely, wild speculation) that what we see in this CoK will be the foundation of 4th edition that will be refined and tested again in the next two CoK’s and then released 5 years after 3rd edition.
Similar to how we went from 2nd to 3rd edition, but hopefully with fewer changes that were not in a proceeding CoK in some way.


To clarify - direction as in instruction. I’m assuming Mantic directed the RC to only create New Heroes in Halpi’s Rift for certain armies. This time round, I get the impression, that they have been directed/instructed to treat them equally. Quite a change! (for the better)

My comment follows on from remarks in the podcast.


There is some info out at Goonhammer showcasing some of the enhanced Magic System changes. Fireball gains the Shattering rule, Hex can now affect Spellcaster Level 0 units, and Spellcaster Level 1+ units will be able to purchase spells as upgrades from an an Arcane Library. The article gives several examples of purchasable spells: Host Shadowbeast, Barkskin, Alchemist’s Curse, Celestial Restoration, and Scorched Earth. I’m continuing to update the spoiler compilation here.


The new spells are very cool, and happily not just all ‘do some damage but most of these are either worse than lightning bolt or so strong they’re a problem’ like we’ve seen in the past. Barkskin is very cool, Scorched Earth is a potential game changer (depending on access) and I love buffs like Shadowbeast. It’ll be very interesting to see how people choose their magic going forward, as currently it’s all about lightning bolt for offense or bane chant for support, with token healing because you came with it or surge because you’re Undead (or you’re elemental and you came with it).

But also shattering on fireball!! My Sallies are thrilled, and I already got a lot of mileage from fireball.