Counter Charge with US Master Ed Fiske

Tonight we bring another exciting installment from our US Masters 2024 coverage. In this episode we are joined by the new Master Ed Fiske and Cyle Pool as they share their masters experience and take us blow by blow through their exciting game 6.


Great episode!
These guys are fun to listen to and, by the sound of it, play against.
It says something about a game and community if the US Master gets a good sports score and believes in “letting go and having fun”. :smile:

On the topic of our great community:
I think that the rules also play a part.

If a game is less about what you bring than what you do during the game, it’s easier to promote positive competition and sportsmanship.
A game where players can win by net-list or meta chasing will have players who try to win before the game.
If that doesn’t work that kind of player plays something else.

A game that’s clean and plays well with declared intents has less argument and bad experiences. It also denies the kind of player who would try to engineers vagueness to slip something by their opponent their “fun”.
“Rules lawyers” thrive in unclear rules.

The kind of players who likes to win by “gotcha” likely prefers a “gotcha game”.


Next up we chat with UK Clash of Kings champion Dan Wright.


Go Dwarfs!
Makes me want to get out my ironclad based dwarf list out too.