Current How to Play 3rd Edition Video Tutorials?


we are playing our first game of 3rd edition this weekend. There seem to be a a lack of up-to-date demos, tutorials, turn breakdowns, etc. on YouTube. Do you know of any other resources to help us refresh our memories and get a grasp again before we play?

Tooting my own horn here but there is a 2020 battle report on the giant dwarf youtube, it might be of use because our video style is to show all the moves instead of talking about what happened, so it might be a good reminder of the sequences. Many other battle reports from other sources might serve the same purpose as far as I know. I don’t know of any pure tutorial style videos I’m afraid.


refine your youtube search by 2020 or 3rd edition, might help. There are a few with the Mantic guys Matt +or James i think , guesting and doing demo games with other gamer groups. Also, try Northern Alliance or Nightstalkers, as a filter as these were in the first 3rd edition starter set

If I remember correctly, this should be helpful:

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you can watch Rob fail to bring inspiring with him

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Both great choices Gerrcinn and KptKeno.
I’ll add this as a tutorial game

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Also check out Master Crafted. They don’t have a lot of 3rd ed videos, but they do have a few games up.

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Thanks everyone. This is a gap perhaps my friend and I can address for beginners once we hopefully learn the rules as best we can ourselves. The battle reports are ok, we will extrapolate anything we can from them. Cheers.

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Here is one more…

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I knew I’d done that but damned if I could find it

Have a terrain tactics video here:

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