Cyberactivity's Twilight Kin: The Shadow Blades

For next weekends tournament, presenting the Shroud of the Reaper - Hollywood Titan:

So took a model I’d had quickly painted ages ago and added extra details and basing and effects to. You can see the before and after picture above.

I’ve submitted my list. It is proper dirty. Couldn’t get the 4 void lurkers done in time but am trying out the banshee and horror for the first time. I’ll share my list tomorrow perhaps (deadline is tonight). Know at 3k pts going to be some proper spam armies. Will have to hope they come up against their hard counter. :smiley:


way cool miniature @Cyberactivity

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For the Hollywood Titan Reaper thought “Kong” was a fitting choice.

If I had a Salamander army I’d have bought and painted a Godzilla model :slight_smile:


This is the army for the tournament:

Unfortunately life got in the way and didn’t have enough time to finish my 4 void lurker list. It was about a subtle as a brick. Saying that, this list isn’t exactly complex. Along with the model that I’m using as my special character, doppelgangers, horror, and banshee are models I’m using that have never seen the tabletop. So it’s good that they’ll finally get some game time.


@Cyberactivity army looks AWESOME, (you did cheat with the single tone scarecrows :smile:). Is that the tub you use for transport? And are the mini bases magnetised to the bottom? And if so, do you use rare earth round magnets drilled in the bases or do you use the magnetised sheets cut to size and glued on?

I’ll answer the question first…

Yes, that is what I transport the army in. The bottom of the case has metal paper on the bottom. Each of the units has strong magnetic tape attached to the bottom. The characters have rare earth magnets as tape wasn’t suitable due to the underside. Use a cross strap carry handle to carry the box for events…

You may be making a joke about the scarecrows, I can’t tell (you may not be aware that it’s a bone of contention, and how negative it comes across). If by “single tone” you mean just painted one single colour/layer and they were called done; the scarecrows are far from single tone. Might be the angle of the picture as you can’t see the details well from above…

The above is an old picture that was taken on my old phone before the varnish was applied which helped bring out all the different hues. I’ll take some new pictures later as my new phone has a far better camera.

To paint them was a 12 step process that included at least 3 stages of highlights. Painting 90 of the models in one go was a challenge. Even though it was meant to be a speed painted unit/s, they took over 15 hours work due to volume and number of steps.


@Cyberactivity . I sense that your Scarecrows are a bit like my Giant Raven project, with subtle blending of colours only being captured when viewed only at different angles, and that what may look simple actually had an awful lot of work gone into it, (Which in my own case at first glance, just looks like a big black bird.)
All the challenges to dry brush and experiment with various different metal tones to get the sheen of blues and greens just so… all forgotten or overlooked. :slight_smile: Still, i know they are there.
The Scarecrows do look great though, as i may have mentioned before .
I fear that contrast paints could make people lazy painters, with all the shading, dry brushing, sponging skills etc forgotten.

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Exactly this. So glad someone else understands and can express it much better than I can. :slight_smile:

The highlights were done with an airbrush and aren’t as stark as some of the others in the army. This is because at the time did 3 highlights. Now only do 2 (skipping one of the mid tones) so it’s more stark a contrast.

You can see a good example of this on the wings of the Soulflayers.

Looking at the scarecrows now, considering going back in and paint the metal. Originally was avoiding having metal painted as metal, but that led to some problems with models lacking details. Might help the overall look.


@Cyberactivity i appreciate your answer with the tub, i have minis i need to stow and was wondering what was the best way for me.

To address the scarecrows you painted… yes i was having a dig, but not in a disrespectful way. I guess with your answer it highlights how with some things a person can put in a lot of effort but for the viewer its hard to appreciate those efforts, i guess thats why speed and contrast paints are so popular now.

But in all honesty i hope you will agree with me if there were more colours on each figure then that would have taken you longer to complete that unit, especially when its a big unit.

Anyway its not an individual unit, its part of an army which you have chosen to paint in that style so the entire army has cohesion… the army looks great together and level of painting is beyond my skill.

To put things in perspective this is how much i have completed in nearly 3 years…


My reply only highlights the fact that you can always go back and do more work on a unit. I’ve done this with several units as is evident on the painting blog.

Yes, obviously if I painted the metal it would take more time. As mentioned, at the time this was a style choice. However I still resent the implication that I “cheated with single tone”. It comes across as if your opinion is that I’ve just slapped on one colour and called it a day. It disregards a lot of effort and ignores all the extra detail work that was actually done.

Took some new pictures so hopefully you can see better the subtle blending work done on the unit, which I’ll admit is harder to tell from above at a distance from the other pictures.


Here is a picture of the really useful boxes I use to store my stuff. The master lock cross handle strap is put round the closed box to allow me to carry it a bit like a pizza box.


Just added some extra work on the basing of these.

They will be my doppelgangers for the event. Originally intended to make a load of them to be reapers, but the models were horrible to work with so they won’t be getting any more units that look like them :smile:

I’ve actually now gone and bought a lot of the actual reaper models. They will join the painting queue.


@Cyberactivity i didn’t mean to imply “slapping on a coat of paint” so apologies if that was inferred… im on the other end of the scale where i put in a lot of effort for my rank and file and they are still only B grade.

The unit looks great and the transitions between light and dark are really subtle. Also on a whole the army really looks great together and the awards for best army are testiment to that.

And cheers for showing your storage, i think thats a great way both cost and space effective to store minis. Because i dont multibase im still not sure which way to go to magnetise my minis. Thanks again


So the front horde of scarecrows are 2 regiments pushed together.

They are magnetised at the bottom and then the movement tray has the metal paper on it that they stick to. The movement tray is then magnetized and so sticks to the metal paper in the tub.

You could add the rare earth magnets to each of the bases of the models and then magnetize the movement trays. That way you can store your armies in a much more efficient manner and they will be ready to go when you have a game planned.

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Thanks @Cyberactivity i thinks thats the best way, there will be a lot of careful drilling involved :grin: there is a company here in Adelaide which does kits for wargaming (back 2 base-ix) and they are also on ebay.

The only thing is i think they do thin mdf for the moment trays but im thinking maybe the magnetic sheets glued on the bottom of the trays.

Again thanks for the idea at least i know which way to go with the boxes as my painted mini space is all but used up :smile:

So my tournament co-host and I have put the final touches on the trophies for the next few events.



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Thanks for the close up, I was just zooming into the shots of the whole army and trying to make these out :wink: Savvy choice of units, hope they serve you well!

As far as armies with tight tone control having the amount of effort involved in their creation undervalued, I’m right there with you dude :expressionless: It’s pretty rare that paint judges in particular actually look closely at my armies, since I value tone and model selection* while judges tend to focus on free hand and three foot visual pop.

** not coincidentally this is why I really dig your army


Unfortunately won’t be attending the event this weekend now :cry:

Decided to get some hobby done to distract me from all the rubbish goings-on.

Finished 2 x Chroneas models that I started nearly 2 years ago (same time as the terror models). They will be Planar Apparitions in my Nightstalkers army.

Also painted up 3 base extenders. They allow you to take a monster based model and make it into a titan based monster. For these models when in the titan base I’ll use them as Shadowhulks:

Takes total pts painted this year (using PA cost) to 4680pts, which doesn’t count extra work done on some models, the terrain, or the trophies. :slight_smile:


lovely work, I really love the basing on your army it really ties them all together.