Cyberactivity's Twilight Kin: The Shadow Blades

that’s too bad. hope stuff works out.

those are a stunning pair of chroneas, well done!

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needless to say that they look fabulous, in or out of the bigger base, they work for me .

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Well, didn’t manage to attend to play in the tournament. Did pop in on the Sunday to say hi to the players.

Funnily enough someone posted a picture of their shadowhulk in the tournament messenger chat. Said that it would look great with some saliva effects on the mouth. They asked some questions about how, and I answered on how to do it. Ended up offering to do the effect on his model when I popped in to the tournament. He accepted my offer. So I took my stuff to the tournament and set up in a little corner and just waited for his model to be killed in the game so I could work on it. Here is the finished result. Please bear in mind I didn’t paint it. I just added the saliva effect to the jaws (Justin did a great job painting the big guy):

Funny enough after I’d finished his opponent who was also playing nightstalkers asked me if I could do the same to his shadowhulk. I then believe he got his shadowhulk killed on purpose so I could work on it. :smile:

Here is the outcome. Again I didn’t paint it. I just added the effect to the mouths (Todd’s model already looked awesome):

I’ve managed to get in some hobby time and actually finished the two terror models that I started about 2 years ago. This will add another 500pts to my grand total, making it 5180pts painted this year (of models with pts values). Think now have about 8k pts painted of Nightstalkers:


Quite the drooly update from you :sweat_smile: Thankfully you’re quite good at those goopy monster maws :+1:

Twin terrors look grand, really quite the sculpt.

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I’m generally a fan of the models, just not a fan of the overhang. It’s terrible at the back, and not great at the sides. I’ve done my best at the front.

I’m undecided if I should finish the 4 void lurkers, or start on some Bloodworm legions.

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Guide to creating storage solution

So I’ve felt that I needed more storage for my completed models.

As such I ordered 3 of the 24.5ltr really useful boxes:

First thing to do was to add my name label to it:

Then to get the ferrous sheet (self adhesive rubber like metal sheet), I bought a 1m sheet for the 3 boxes:

I’ve not used steel sheets before as these are easier to cut to shape, less dangerous (no sharp edges), and also probably cheaper. Never had issue with it.

The next step was the measure out the 3 areas for the 3 boxes:

Then cut them out (rounded the corners):

Then take off the backing and stick them carefully in the boxes:

And that’s the boxes sorted:

So now the bottoms have the metal sheet in them , the magnetic bases will stick to them. These are the magnets I attach to the bottom of the bases:

Split them in half and have 2 strips on the bottom:

That is normally strong enough. I’ve used rare earth magnets on some models depending on if they need extra strength.


Heck yeah organization. One of the most important parts of the hobby (that I fail at)


Great storage method - no drilling or snipping steel! I already have the boxes so will be going with this solution. Cheers!


So I’ve been working on 4 void lurkers for a little while. Originally intended on taking then to a 3k pts event.

Each of them is slightly different, even though it is"technically" the same model.

Just need to varnish them and take some better pictures but here is a sneak peak…


Great model and a great paint job-- but that mouth slime just adds something so visceral that most models just don’t do! So cool. Always reminds me of the xenomorph from Aliens.


Awesome work!

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4 void lurkers all completed. At 1,060pts with no items takes my painted NS over 9.5k pts with no items.

6240pts painted this year + 8 hills +Lucky Jim + 18 trophies


they look fantastic as always, I really love the subtle almost monochromatic paint job, it looks so striking on the field basing.

Where is the model from, is it a physical thing or one of those 3D prints that the kids talk about at the corn market?



It’s a 3D print. The model is called Aladon.

It was resized and printed by Alistair Vowles at 3D Mini Market.

If you need anything 3D printed in the UK he’s our go to guy. :smiley:


Great flock of Lurkers, wonderful sculpt for the beastie too. Bit of a crazy project but jobs a good 'un!

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Bit of a break from the norm…I’ll use this as a token, probably put next to unit that has bane chant :smiley:

Edit: With the army (this was the 3k army that I was going to take to the tournament I missed)


hehehe, it looks like a message from the Gods with that ethereal blue glow.
“Lord, please show us a sign,” the cleric pleaded.
An giant eerie hand appeared out of thin air; It’s message obvious to all.
“Did that just…” asked a young boy, before his mother could hiss him into silence.


Lol. I’ve added a picture of it with my army.

It made me smile when I saw the model originally.


I am astonished. If I went up against that it’d be very hard not to laugh every time (in a good way)


lol I use them as my wavered markers best investment ever :slight_smile: