Deadzone is awesome! What's next?

Played Deadzone with a friend I met at the Michigan GT – finding out that your neighbor plays KoW is a nice boost for playing more games.

He really enjoys Deadzone, and was happy to come over and showcase his minis as well as the game.

I think the game is really well-designed. Deadzone just seems so tight and put together neatly. It’s a game that I see myself playing more often.

How’s the tournament scene? Is the game going to be expanded on with updates like CoK?

Please let me know if anyone knows!


Deadzone is maybe the best game ever. However IMO it is not very suitable to a tournament game. Perfect for a game at home though.
There are not (a lot of) gaming events for DZ that I know of. Update books have come out every two years or so up to this point, not sure how it will be going forward, but expect regular-ish updates. Not as frequent as KoW though, most likely.


CoK for Deadzone are called Command Protocol and usually used to add new models or factions but also scenarios and rule updates

And Deadzone works well for events, much better than other games that are played at tournaments and because it does not take much time as well you would get enough games within a single day to make a nice event

Lets see how it develops further and I would like to see more events for Deadzone