Hey all! Got a rules query regarding Drain Life, and a quick search here turned up nothing…
Drain Life can be cast into a combat. However, I thought that like Host Shadowbeast, I could charge something and then still cast the spell, provided I met the other criteria for casting (that I am not disordered, etc). For example, the Chroneas and it’s Drain Life Upgrade.
However, rereading the rules, only Host Shadowbeast has the wording to expressly say a spellcaster can cast this while being engaged themselves.
If you could kindly check me on two things:
- A Drain Life spellcaster cannot charge and cast the spell.
- As long as I have your attention… For Command Orders like Undead’s “Unholy Puppets” and Abyssals “Hellfire”, where a unit gains a spell, this unit does not have to be a spellcaster already. (So, Zombies or Gargoyles who are not disordered could be given the order). That was my reading and our group’s consensus, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to confirm.