Drain Life Questions

Hey all! Got a rules query regarding Drain Life, and a quick search here turned up nothing…

Drain Life can be cast into a combat. However, I thought that like Host Shadowbeast, I could charge something and then still cast the spell, provided I met the other criteria for casting (that I am not disordered, etc). For example, the Chroneas and it’s Drain Life Upgrade.

However, rereading the rules, only Host Shadowbeast has the wording to expressly say a spellcaster can cast this while being engaged themselves.

If you could kindly check me on two things:

  1. A Drain Life spellcaster cannot charge and cast the spell.
  2. As long as I have your attention… For Command Orders like Undead’s “Unholy Puppets” and Abyssals “Hellfire”, where a unit gains a spell, this unit does not have to be a spellcaster already. (So, Zombies or Gargoyles who are not disordered could be given the order). That was my reading and our group’s consensus, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to confirm.



1 - correct. HSB explicitly allows the caster to charge and cast, which overrules the restriction on shooting while engaged. Other spells with CC simply allow you to target units that are engaged.

  1. Yep. The commands aren’t restricted to existing spell casters.

Perfect. Thanks for confirming! :heart: