Elven runes/language

Is elven runes or script recorded anywhere in the written lore? I’m more looking for inspiration to put on shields of my tallspears. I could use something not in the game that would look fine I’m sure but… I’d rather not mix my lores (using Tolkien elven words in my gw high elf stuff always bothered me)

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I don’t think they’ve ever suggested any additional languages beyond some ink squiggles on some small drawings like artifacts. I do however say that in the full knowledge that someone will appear with a full alphabet once I post this :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll double check the older books after work and see if anything jumps out

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Yeah, don’t think there is much beyond a few runes in artwork. Certainly there isn’t anything published (AFAIK) to compare with the detail in LotR (obviously!) or in WFB

If you are on FB check this out - Lore group including a number of the writers of the KoW related novels/background