EMPIRE OF DUST gamers which is more use

A soul snare or a monolith?
I’m putting together an EoD army. At the moment 2000 pts and I have a model and pts suitable for both but what would be of more use!? I just don’t know what base to use 50 or 75mm. I’m toying with doing it on a 50mm and then be able to put it onto a 75mm when needed but either way which one works for you?

@Magnus @Jens

If I had to pick one, it would be the soul snare. It’s as close to an auto-include as it gets in the army. The monolith is really good, and if you don’t want to take any surging heroes then it’s a good choice, but if I’m going to pick one of them it’s the soul snare for sure.


A bit late to the party.
But i would pick the soul snare before the Monolith. In my 2000 pts army its the only shooting i have and it always comes in handy.
As it can also be used in close combat to damage the enemy and heal your own units, it has the potential to turn the tides of a battle.

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