EOD 2300 list help

hi, I am after some help. I tried KOW a while ago but the store I was going too unfortunately closed. I have found a new club to join so thought I would take the leep back into the hobby. I really like the EOD looks etc so thought I would build a list to buy towards. so here it is

Empire of Dust [2300]

Skeleton Spearmen Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Inf Regiment [105] 5 5+ 44 3 15 -/15 2 [100]
Casket of the Damned [5]

Special Rules: Lifeleech(1), Phalanx, Shambling, Casket of the Damned Keywords: Skeleton

Inf Regiment [105] 5 5+ 4+ 15 -/15 [100]
Casket of the Damned [5]
Special Rules: Lifeleech(1), Phalanx, Shambling, Casket of the Damned Keywords: Skeleton

Revenants Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Inf Horde [230] 5 4+ 5+ 4 25 -124 2 [205]
Casket of the Damned [5]
Hammer of Measured Force [20]

Special Rules: Lifeleech(1), Shambling, Casket of the Damned Keywords: Revenant, Skeleton

Enslaved Guardians Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Lrg Inf Horde [225] 6 3+ 5+ 3 18 -/17 3 [225]

Special Rules: Crushing Strength(2) Lfeleech(1), Shambling Keywords: Airbound, Construct,. Djinn

Lrg Inf Horde [225] 6 3+ 5 18 -/17 3 [225]
Special Rules: Crushing Strength (2),Lifeleech(1), Shambling Keywords: Airbound, Construct, Djinn

Revenant Chariots Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Cht Legion (220] 4+ 5+ 44 4 20 -/2 3 [205]
Cursebows [15]
Cursebows (18", Att: 10, Ra: 5+, Steady Aim, Shattering)

Special Rules: Brutal, Lifeleech(1), Shambling, Thunderous Charge(2) Keywords: Revenant, Skeleton

Undead Wyrm Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Titan 1 [180] 10 44 4 2 10 -/18 6 [180]

Special Rules: Crushing Strength(3), Fly, Lifeleech(1), Nimble, Shambling Keywords: Draconic, Skeleton

Titan 1 [180] 10 4+ 2 10 -/18 6 [180]
Special Rules: Crushing Strength(3), Fly, Lifeleech(1), Nimble, Shambling Keywords: Draconic, Skeleton

Monolith [1] Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Titan 1 Spellcaster 0 [120] 0-+ -/17 6 [120]
Special Rules: Inspiring, Monolith Keywords: Construct, Shrine

Ahmunite Pharaoh Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Hero (Inf) 1 Spellcaster 2 (185] 3+ 6 5 -/16 2 160
Surge (8) [0]
Veil of Shadows1 (25]
Special Rules: Crushing Strength(2), Individual, Inspiring, Lifeleech(1), Mighty, Regeneration(5+) Keywords: Mummy, Royal Court

Ahmunite Army Standard Bearer Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts
Hero (Inf) 1 [75] 5 5+ 5 1 -/11 2 [60]
Trickster’s Wand [15]
Hex (2)

Special Rules: Aura(Strider - Infantry Only), Individual, Lifeleech(1), Very Inspiring Keywords: Skeleton

Cursed High Priest on Royal Sp Me Ra De US Att Ne Ht Pts

Hero (Cht) 1 Spellcaster 3 [160] 8 5+ 1 -/13 3 [100]
Drain Life (6) [30]
Surge (8) [30]
Special Rules: Inspiring, Nimble, Thunderous Charge(1), Reanimator Keywords: Skeleton, Royal Court

Idol of Shobik [1] Sp Me Ra De US Att N Ht Pts
Hero (Mon) 1 Spellcaster 0 (290] 34 6 10 -/18 6 [290]
Heal (5) [O]
Special Rules: Aura(lron Resolve), Crushing Strength(3), Lifeleech(1), Shambling. Strider, Very Inspiring Keywords: Construct, Giant, Old God

Total Units:
Total Primary Core Points:

2300 (100.0%)

Total Unit Strength:


thinking is revs and spears are the centre backed up by the guardians and wyrms, standard ,monoloth.pharo and shobik usually a denied flank or scenario.
the chariots and CHP take a Flank to delay etc

the main questions I have seeing I played 2 games a couple of years ago with a borrowed army.
hammer of measured force on the revenants is it worth it?
enslaved guardians combat or should I switch these for the guardian archers? as only shooting is from the chariots.
is there any major floors I am missing.



Ran your list through the Mantic Companion to get a bit more readable output:

Empire of Dust [2300]

Skeleton Spearmen (Infantry) Regiment [105]
– Casket of the Damned [5]
Skeleton Spearmen (Infantry) Regiment [105]
– Casket of the Damned [5]
Revenants (Infantry) Horde [230]
– Casket of the Damned [5]
– Hammer of Measured Force [20]
Enslaved Guardians (Large Infantry) Horde [225]
Enslaved Guardians (Large Infantry) Horde [225]
Revenant Chariots (Chariot) Legion [220]
– Cursebows [15]
Undead Wyrm (Titan) 1 [180]
Undead Wyrm (Titan) 1 [180]
Monolith [1] (Titan) 1 [120]
Ahmunite Pharaoh (Hero (Infantry)) 1 [185]
– Surge (8) [0]
– Veil of Shadows1 [25]
Ahmunite Army Standard Bearer (Hero (Infantry)) 1 [75]
– Trickster’s Wand [15]
– Hex (2)
Cursed High Priest on Royal Chariot (Hero (Chariot)) 1 [160]
– Drain Life (6) [30]
– Surge (8) [30]
Idol of Shobik [1] (Hero (Monster)) 1 [290]
– Heal (5) [0]

List looks good to me! Doing some cool stuff for EOD, and no Soul Snare! Mad props on that. I don’t love drain 6 on the chariot priest, when he could take weakness 3 or that chonky fireball 12 if damage is the goal. Veil on the Pharoah is interesting, those dudes almost always have Host Shadowbeast, often wings as well. I’m a little curious what he’s veiling?

Hammer is fine on the revs, the meta is really high Def now and you don’t have BC to help them lift otherwise. And fighty Enslaved Guardians are great and popular, I have to assume I never see shooty ones for a reason.


Solid core list.

Measured force usually finds its way into pretty much any list i use for any army!

If wanting VoS I’d probably look at a cheaper priest than the pharaoh and use points to buff Guardians?

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thanks for the feedback, no soul snare was purely based on trying to restrict my non scoring units, just the pharaoh and the banner. Drain life on the priest was purely there to add a bit extra, he would be running behind the chariots to give them inspiring surge if needed and the drain life to add a wound to the combat but open to change. the pharaoh would be in the middle of my battle line so veil was purely there to add a bit of survivability to the main block from shooting while having a mini hammer to add a bit of block things up.

Veil was just added at the end when I was looking over the few points I had left on what I was missing and shooting protection was one. if veil isn’t that beneficial I’ll look at other options