Epic Warpath - Mantics 10-12mm Sci-Fi game

So pledge manager going active next month and for a decent length of time (as there’s a late pledge to get more people in!). Looking at 2 super heavies per faction with some teaser names and a picture of a small cute rat!



When the pledge manager goes live, I can see Mantic really benefiting from people who make adjustments and add more stuff in.

I believe my initial pledge has already been debited (The 2 army package), but I think it’s likely I’ll take the opportunity to add another faction and some add-ons. A little like paying in instalments, I guess.

Terrain is potentially of interest, but I’ve been looking at some great stuff in that scale that’s already on the market and don’t feel it would be a ‘must’ add. And there’s some terrain being thrown in with all pledges anyway.


I’ll be putting my printer to work on small scale terrain. It’s not a huge printer but it’s not a huge scale!

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