Firefight news & chitchat

Aight… looking at what they said at the latter half I’m rather disappointed. No Uncharted Empires for Warpath.

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UE was really there in KoW as GW had just blown up the Old World - so people wanting a R&F fantasy game could use the stuff they had.

Its different with the sci-fi stuff as there isn’t a big disconnect, but you can proxy many 40k things into the FF forces from what I’ve seen.


Like there’s a way to use Chaos Space marines in spite of the fact you can’t ally in Firefight?

Such a good decision. I really do not like the idea of w40k in Warpath. This gamę could be a chance for those not interested in dark grim universe. :slight_smile:

Warpath Has their own elves, space marines, imperial Guard or greenskins equivalents. They also have full ranges of mostly plastic miniatures.

When You look at uncharted empire ex GW armies in KoW You see they are also not the same as they were in 2.0.

Also Warpath Has do many cool races to work with that they need more. Mantic WILL add more factions (if FF sells well) and if that happen they with re-release the army book with extra units/armies in it.


Run them as count-as forge fathers?

Marines as steel guard/brokkrs, cultists as militia, terminators as forge guard, raptors as drop team, dreads as iron ancestors, there’s various tanks etc


Can’t agree more. W40k is a more unique IP than WHFB ever was. Its cool on it’s own, but the Warpath Universe is so much more believable and ‘realistic’.
…and better😉


It was never about to have 40k factions in FF, but to have rules for those armies which don’t have Mantic models yet

An UE expansion should never be with CSM, Tau, Necrons, but about Nameless, Rebs, Z’zor etc.

It is understandable that it is considered too much without knowing how well it sells
And also that Mantic need to focus their own IP

I know there was a vocal minority in the past who wanted 1:1 copies of Warhammer armies for KoW, and that there will be one that demand this for Warpath (we have had them with the Kickstarter and 1st Edi FF)
While there is also a group who is pissed that there are units without models and you need to look on your own for something that fits

But, in my opinion FF needs more factions to be successful, simply to get a basic playerbase among those who have armies at home and look for games o use those
They are going to proxy anyway so having lists made for proxies would help

FF does not compete with 40k, it competes with Gates of Antares, SW Legion, One Page Rules and other small games, and someone with an Alien, Terminator or AT-43 Army will chose the game that let them play this (same with people who 3D print)

So while there won’t be an UE expansion as in “copy of 40k” which is good, there is the option for other Mantic armies and I think those should come sooner than later with their own “no models yet” book


True, but I understand, that they chose to use the armies they already have. I hope, that FF sells well enough to justify more armies to come. In the DZpodcast, Rob already said, they’ll wait for numbers before releasing new factions and concentrate on the ones they already have models for atm. With Marauders being the exception, of course. I personally can’t wait for a Rebs release.

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There will be more factions in FF. Mantic/Rob said it several times before. Thing is Mantic need hard plastic core troop sets to have an army. That is why we do nto see Nameless or rebs… yet. If Mantic sells FF well we get those. Nameless has some AMAZING resins (one of my favorite - Bathomite, Psychotroid) but You can not build an army with clones (gunslingers/riflemen + inkers (they could be an extra model on a sprue like throwing mastiffs are for abyssal dwarfs).

Rob also mentiones Warpath goblins. We can see other factions too. Just take a look at Dreadball. It is loaded up with races.

Still 7 armies at launch (most in full hard plastic with some resin and PVC exceptions) is an amazing thing of a company this size.


Also Mantic have said at past open days that their budget allows for a couple of plastic sets a year, that was before prices went sideways, but outside that they still do “special projects” like the Rift-forged orcs.

So I wouldn’t put it past them that if FF sells well we may get a sneaky release outside of the norm. Nameless would be amazing mind you


The question is, better to release rules without models, or wait until the game is popular enough to justify new models made.

I think part of KoWs success is the mix of both.
Releasing new armies with models but also just rules were models come later

But lets see how well FF is doing


The danger is though, that if you release rules without models and the game proofs to be mediocre in terms of sales, that people interested in those armies already built them with third party models.
A mix, could be the way to go, as you said. @kodos Personally, I think 7 factions are quite a good starting point. It’ll be vital to release new models/factions soon enough to keep the game alive and running.


Nightstalkers were one of my favorite things about Uncharted Empires, just utterly creepy and weird, and they didn’t have supported models for quite some time.

If there had been a similar supplement, that’s the sort of thing I would have liked to see. A chance to get wild and creative.


True BUT Mantic learned their lesson. No models means people get them from elsewhere. I replace my non-Mantic Trident with mantic models but most will never do that.

Luckly they have factions to work with. Nameless! I would love to field them!


People are going to build their armies with 3rd party models anyway, no matter if there are Mantic models around or not, specially if the game is popular

either people like the models or not, and those who want to play the game and don’t like the models, or don’t want new models, will use something else
while those who like the models will play armies with model support

if the game/sales are medicore there is a higher chance people are using Mantic models for other games than people are using other models for Mantic Games

Nightstalkers and Kingdom of Man are a very good example of how to get people playing the game that just want to convert/scratchbuild their models, and those who want to use something else anyway
this could be Marsians and “Alien Race” for Warpath

PS: just an oversimplified example, someone who is upset with GW prices and the 40k rules bought a 3D printer to get models for cheap and now looks into FF as an alternative game
they won’t sell the 3D printer and buy Mantic models just because they like the game, they will use their existing models and print more to play
giving them a dedicated “no models” army list for their existing collection has a higher chance that they might buy the models later, or someone in their groups does rather than already using proxies right from the beginning

PPS: it is what it is anyway, it is up to Mantic to chose their strategy and do what they think will work best
I am going to play the game mostly at home anyway so if in need I write my own lists and/or bring the Mars Attacks stuff up to date


Yeah, I get that. And the Nameless are exactly the sort of thing I love. I just wouldn’t mine seeing more in that vein, and I loved the kind of creativity that some of the armies in Uncharted Empires encouraged.

I do feel like getting people involved in the system is a good way to get them buying later, I read the army books first and started buying models second.

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For sure people will use 3rd party models or print them but the scale is different when You have Your own avaliable. I read a lot of “if Mantic release X I will get it even if I have a proxy”. Giving rules for new factions just so others can benefit from it has no real sense :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally also prefer when people use mantic models. Visual aspect of the game is built on the look of the models so FF with non-mantic models looks wierd to me.


You had me at Warpath Gobbos.


But is has 7 armies!?
And they already said more will come if sales are good.


I just finished the Singled out Radio podcast episode about FF with Rob. He said another hard plastic troop and an army release is already in the making, releasing probably next year.