Here is your tool to make simple, non-mantic compromising army lists.
It doesnt have a print feature or details on units, but it can add items. It’s “less is more”. And if you have your book open to your army pages, it will work superbly!
It did seem to operate different than expected, sometimes units would disappear when I added Rabble for example, but mine worked out with 5 characters.
It appears if you remove an unlocking unit all the characters disappear. However, if you delete then add an unlocking unit then you can pick characters again.
A little buggy, but no complaints here. Better than lugging around pen and paper.
may i suggest adding unit categories to the selection list? just group them under their types like infantry, heavy infantry, ranged, cavalry, hero, monster, etc. so it can be easier to find the unit you want on the list. this would also put the troops size units close to the regiments/hordes for those types as well, requiring you to hunt down the list less.
is it possible to code it so that instead of the options for troops, heroes, etc vanishing entirely when there is no open slots for them, they just grey out and can’t be added? it would make planning a little easier.
similarly it would be nice if some way could be found to not have it drop all the heros/monsters/etc from your list if you remove a regiment/horde and have too few unlocks. that gets very annoying after awhile, especially if you have a number of heroes kitted out and have to redo them all.
and a counter to state how many troop, hero, monster/titan, and warmachine slots are open would be nice as well…
just a simple Troops:# Any: # Heroes:# Monsters/titans: # Warmachines: # format would work, with it set to subtract from the dedicated slots before it uses an ‘any’ slot.
is there something in the rules that prevents a spellcaster from taking a horse if they took an additional spell? pretty sure you could do that in 2nd (for example, taking bane chant, then also taking a horse to make a spellcaster that can keep up with cavalry) but can’t do it on this army builder. taking the spell upgrade replaces the horse upgrade and vice versa.
edit: same issue with other units it looks like. can only get one unit upgrade, when by the rules they should be able to take any and all of them they can afford. kingdoms of men footguard for example should be able to combine both two-handed weapons as well as the Indomitable will upgrade for example.
i think that the upgrades option needs to have the programming tweaked to allow multiple upgrades to be taken. currently i suspect it shares the code from the artifacts side, where you are limited to just one per unit.
To whomever is responsible for Good Army, thanks for doing this, and for adding Uncharted so quickly, annnnd yesterday for left-aligning the items / options screens