Help for a new player with Elf List construction (2300)

Hi All. Just starting out getting into KOW and have been buying and painting my army without any games experience [Rookie move??]. Anyway, this is a list I have put together which I can then use to trim down for smaller games. All of the models are multibased and detachable so I can change a unit from Troops to Regiment or Horde easily if the below needs changing.

I only(?) have two individuals in the list and many BatReps that I see have sometimes 3 or 4 but I am not sure why. Do you need 3 or 4 individuals in a list to make it viable?

Thanks for your thoughts and help in advance!

2295 / 2300 (5 Remaining)
~ List Valid ~

Elves [2295]

Palace Guard (Infantry) Regiment [160]
Palace Guard (Infantry) Regiment [160]
Kindred Tallspears (Infantry) Troop [85] (These are to be deployed in front of the Palance Guard to act as chaff. Same points as Snowfoxes which is what I see in many lists but I think they are better - happy to have my mind changed)
Kindred Tallspears (Infantry) Troop [85] (same comment as above)
Kindred Archers (Infantry) Regiment [120]
Kindred Archers (Infantry) Regiment [120]
Silverbreeze Cavalry* (Cavalry) Regiment [180]
Silverbreeze Cavalry* (Cavalry) Regiment [180]
Stormwind Cavalry (Cavalry) Regiment [235]

  • Quicksilver Lancers [25]

Elven King (Hero (Cavalry)) 1 [150]

  • Horse Mount [35]
  • Mournful Blade [15]

Elf Army Standard Bearer (Hero (Infantry)) 1 [60] (to be deployed with the PG and Spears to grant them Rampage)
Noble War Chariot (Hero (Chariot)) 1 [115]
Noble War Chariot (Hero (Chariot)) 1 [115]
[F] The Swirling Tempests, Drakon Riders (Kal’ar’s Hunters) [1] (Large Cavalry) Regiment [180]
[F] The Swirling Tempests, Drakon Riders (Kal’ar’s Hunters) [1] (Large Cavalry) Regiment [180]
[F] Kal’ar Drakonkin, Lord on Drakon (Kal’ar’s Hunters) [1] (Hero (Large Cavalry)) 1 [170]


welcome to the forum, it is f**k o’clock in Ireland I should’ve been asleep hours ago so I’ll be brief, cleverer people will probably have a better reply for you.

I’ll start with your individual comment, 3-4 tiny folk running around aren’t necessary, they’re only like that because they either bring spells or inspiring. You really really need to make sure you have sources around.
Now you have Heroes in chariots so they can go with your fast cav element or hang back, the Drakons have a Lord with them and your infantry have the Battle Standard so you’re fine on that front.

For your chaff, I think you meant battlecats rather than snow foxes but it’s the same thing. The reason people go for those is twofold. First, they have a higher speed, so they can swiftly meet threats further out. Second, they have a lower defense.
Why would you want a lower defense? Well sometimes you don’t, but what you want is chaff to screen your main battle line, block the initial charge and then die. Leaving the way open for your hard hitters to come in. Having a slightly higher defense might mean that sometimes you’ll be trapped behind your own unit when you want to charge. Neither of these are a deal breaker when you’re starting out so you can stick with the tall spears, just expect to fight a bit closer to your deployment and maybe stick it out for a turn or two.

You King on horse looks like he’s kitted to hunt individuals, now, if you chuck the mournful blade and give him the sabre toothed cat he does that for 5 points less, the cat gives the duelist rule. if you can scare up the points you could give the Shardblade for 15 as well, meaning he’ll hit on 2+, re-roll 1s because he’s elite and still up his attacks against individuals.

Not sure if you thought about dropping the palace guard’s shields so they can have lower defense and crushing 1, they are beasts in combat if they don’t bounce off people.

You could also change one of your archers to a troop, you’ll lose 2 attacks but gain 30 points. With the left over money you can buy a lute of darkness for the BSB so you have a bane chant source, again great for crushing, and it would leave you 5pts spare to upgrade the King with the cat as I mentioned above.

you have an excellent Unit Strength and a good number of drops so picking your matchups is key, the only other thing I would mention is your quicksilver lancers are shafted if they lose their thunderous charge, Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding makes sure they get one in unimpeded, but to do that your King is losing his nice sword but can keep his kitten.

I hope that helps, ask any other questions and better men than I will answer.


Thanks heaps for the advice and tactical tips.

If I drop one of the Archers from being a Regiment to a Troop the Mantic Companion says that I have an illegal list due to not enough unlocks so while I like that idea I am a bit stuck.

on the Palace Guard I have read that having them 5+ makes them a good anvil unit as I have the flying hammers to take advantage of flanks. If I drop the shields to give them 4+ but CS then they could be a bit squishy.

Thanks for the tip with the Sabre-tooth on the King. I now have 10pts spare to perhaps give two of the PG units a 5 point upgrade each or a bow on the Standard Bearer.

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see I told you it was too late at night for me to be giving advice. I never even looked at your unlocks. I should’ve stuck it into the companion army builder XD

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I’d probably swap the Tallspear troops to Forest Guard, they cost more but are better in many ways, and can really cause a mess if allowed to flank somebody. This could come at the cost of the ASB but you have four inspiring already, and given the Warhost units rampage isn’t the most important job, with so many fast flanking hammers to do the lifting.

In list terms, I was thinking this:

Palace Guard (Infantry) Regiment [160]
Palace Guard (Infantry) Regiment [160]
Forest Guard (Infantry) Troop [100]
Forest Guard (Infantry) Troop [100]
Kindred Archers (Infantry) Regiment [120]
Kindred Archers (Infantry) Regiment [120]
Silverbreeze Cavalry* (Cavalry) Regiment [180]
Silverbreeze Cavalry* (Cavalry) Regiment [180]
Stormwind Cavalry (Cavalry) Regiment [265]
– Quicksilver Lancers [25]
– Brew of Strength [30]
Elven King (Hero (Cavalry)) 1 [155]
– Horse Mount [35]
– The Shardblade [15]
– Mace of Crushing [5]
Noble War Chariot (Hero (Chariot)) 1 [115]
Noble War Chariot (Hero (Chariot)) 1 [115]
[F] The Swirling Tempests, Drakon Riders (Kal’ar’s Hunters) [1] (Large Cavalry) Regiment [180]
[F] The Swirling Tempests, Drakon Riders (Kal’ar’s Hunters) [1] (Large Cavalry) Regiment [180]
[F] Kal’ar Drakonkin, Lord on Drakon (Kal’ar’s Hunters) [1] (Hero (Large Cavalry)) 1 [170]

Originally I gave the Lancers the helm of the drunken ram (or boots of striding but I don’t love one use items), which let the King keep his dueling cat and gave Kal’ar the pipes of terror, but I was thinking about combats that go to a second round or involve global phalanx, in which case CS1 is really attractive. Having your most expensive hammer neutered by a dude on a horse also seems pretty lame, and the brew of strength would help see these sort of blocker characters off faster.

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looking at the King on the horse for 150pts. Am I not better of getting another Lord on Drakon for 160?

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I wouldn’t say no, two dragons are always fun and definitely not filth :wink:

it is more versatile and has a better damage output because of the Thunderous Charge. It does become a big target for your opponent…but then when you have two it’s going to divide their attention.

Individuals are really useful, especially fast ones on mounts, and the King can do things that the Lord simply can’t, like spin 360 degrees and sit down enemy flyers. Their damage output is almost the same to the front (not the ideal frontage for either of them to charge but eh), and with the amount of scoring in this list I don’t think the King’s US 0 matters all that much. Not taking a second Lord also means you don’t have to differentiate between the formation Drakon and the non-formation Drakon :wink:

Thanks for your comments.

My friend bought the STL from Mantic for the treeman and made me one so I pushed this up my painting conveyer belt and Tada! I will swap out the 2 chariots and add this guy for some omph up the middle of the table


please see the upgrade to the Wilt Daddy, a tree herder that will make your friends sigh :wink:

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Wiltfather is only available to Sylvn Kin… The real elves miss out on this upgrade. I am thinking of giving him the Shroud of the Saint to grant him Heal (3) in addition to his Radiance of Life

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