How did you pick your fleet?

How did people choose their fleet or fleets? Did you go the same as your Kings army? Or have you deliberately chosen another faction?

Is it all about what you thought looked the coolest or did their overall playstyle make a difference? Or were there more practical reasons, like it being in the starter box?

(Rob Jenx -


Same as my Kings army - Basileans. I have the main army, the Vanguard force and the Navy! For some reason that pleases me greatly!


I would have preferred my main army because I’m excited about interlinked campaigns across KoW, Vanguard, and Armada. But Forces of Nature don’t have a fleet, and Salamanders aren’t out yet!

I was gifted some Dwarves and they were fun for one-offs, but for a campaign you want a lot of ships for fleet-building flexibility. I feel guilty about it but I just don’t have much hobby mojo lately so I ended up rebasing a bunch of plasticard Pirates of the Spanish Main ships on Armada bases and going KoM.

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I bought a load of warlord black sea stuff initially - the paint scheme basically fits one of my KoM armies.

The starter set gets two fleets I don’t have KoW armies for, the bought Dwarfs and kitbashed an Abyssal fleet (basilea or TK rules prob) for which I do have armies


A bit of all I guess. Basilean and Orc ships is what initially drove me into the game. I love the looks of both, but I was always into undead, including Egyptians. When EoD came out I felt the aesthetics speak to me and I dug the playstyle, or what I thought the playstyle was at the time. Nowadays I really struggle to pick a favorite. With all do respect to Kings of War, I don’t really care about the setting, or canon. Orc Ships might as well be bloodthirsty human pirates for what I care. I like the looks and playstyles of all three fleets. The only reason behind EoD being the largest in my possession is I barely got any mispacks/miscast there. Otherwise all three would be as massive, but with all the mispacks of first wave I just couldn’t build all the ships purchased.

Now I’m hyped for Northern Alliance and Salamanders - Concept Art has a lot of character. I hope they will look at least as good as the concepts.


Tempted by Basilea as I like the fantasy take on the traditional ships with big sails, and normally I’d avoid the ‘goodies’. Though at the moment the coolness of EoD is winning out. Really like the whole range, every ship, flyers, the lot.

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Sorry to pull out a seemingly negative quote from your post - but I think this a strength for Mantic. The factions tend to be archetypes, no surprises, does what it says on the tin. You can sort of bring your own canon with you.

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Totally what I was going for in my head. You put it into words very well.
What I like about Mantic Games is they go along with cliche. Personally I’m fed up with crazy over the top epic legendary stuff. I love me some classic fantasy tropes of the 80/90’s like WFB 4th/5th ed vibes. Mantic Games seem to adopt a lot of it and they do excel at implementing this kind of stuff. That’s one of the reasons I got hooked up with Armada. The fact Mantic listened to the community and bombed Dwarf flier ensured me these guys will not do any stupid over the top things. Anyhow, glad to be a part of this community and play Armada. Great game.


I’ve ended up with a tiny empire of dust, and an equally tiny dwarf fleet. Mainly I chose the two because undead egyptian ships are fun, and the dwarf ships seemed… easier for me to paint (no sails!) So I guess it’s more about appearance for me. I like the idea of using gaming to tell stories, personally, and that is something that a looser setting like kings of war can actually help with.

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I love all the models and am thoroughly enjoying collecting and painting a fleet for each faction

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Which faction do you think you’ll start with?

I’ve done Basileans, Orcs and EoD. Have made a start on Dwarfs and Twilight Kin


Oh man, to collect all the factions is an awesome and respect worthy idea. Initially I wanted to do the same, bought into all four factions myself. Sadly my wife had some well-founded objections so four is where I landed for the time being. Had to skip on TK and Elves. There is hope for Salamanders and Northern Alliance.

Would be so cool to have one of each kind of ships for each faction painted - more a collection, rather than gaming wise.


Definitely more of a collection, they still get some table time but collecting and painting is probably the bigger part of the hobby I get time for and at the minute I’m loving doing these models

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