Hrimm, the absolute Legend...and Roxztar! :- now completed

I was doing great at putting Hrimm back on the shelf until Mantic posted a picture of one of their giant asking what people are working on… the more i looked the more i thought… well, i guess I;m working on Hrimm some more. as it happens i have a green wash Citadel Biel-Tan Green to do the bones with, and some Agrax Earthshade or Army Painter tones to do some washes on the fur. Toning the skin with some more dry brushing might also help… sigh!


I’ve deleted some of the older pics to ease the burden, and replaced with the newer ones


After a week or more, doing other repairs and upgrades, (mainly my Free Dwarfs) i had chance to look at the new version of Hrimm, and i am very happy with the final version.