I miss the old Brotherhood

Brothermark is a stupid name. Premising ‘mark’ is borrowed from the german word, it is the name of a territory at the border of a bigger realm, lead by a minor lord like a count.
This doesn’t sound very cool in my ears.

And I really liked GW Bretons and Brotherhood in 2th edition.
Awesome combination of a medieval army with legendary creatures and iconic units.
Now I have to decide between a medieval army without nearly anything mythical or a mixture of knights and nature, but without human yeomen, soldiers and war machines.
If I want an army which comes the closest to my idea of the former brotherhood, I play Basileans with allied Brothermark. At least I can use my Pegasus knights as Elohi and a griffon is a dragon, phoenix or Elohi character.
But I miss the Knights of Redemption and can’t field water elements.

The Brothermark is the part of the Brotherhood that is now on the edge of Basilea at the “border” with the Abyss.
Name fits the lore and I like the military order vibe the sound creates.

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Setting aside the ‘I think this is stupid because it doesn’t sound cool imo’ argument, it really sounds like you need to play Order of the Green Lady and Brotherhood interchangably. Sure, you can’t use yeomen archers and pegasus knights at the same time. But you can play both.

Tho honestly why having human archers is such a vitally important element escapes me. They’re gonna suck, like all archers.

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I was just thinking about that… I mean, how many archer regiments/hordes would you need to take to make it worth it? I mean, enough dice rolls…

Kom archers are dirt cheap after all. Crossbows are also cheap. “There is a certain quality to quantity” I think is the quote.

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All the stuff in v2 UE were simply wfb armies shoehorned into something KoW.

V3 allowed them to develop background and lists for these - tweaking some, developing others, leaving some fairly untouched.

Unless you have multibased pegs, just go KoM - 3 heroes, 3 generals and 3 wizards


Chaff that unlocks and shoots? My Green lady opponent last tournament allied in human archers specifically for this purpose. A regiment and 2 troops make for 3 units, 4 US, 26 shots per turn at 250 points.

Crossbows suck. Archers rock. Just don’t expect them to actualy do anything but stand in the way. You might be surprised that they can actually do a wound or two.

I mean yeah, dice spikes can happen. My Soul Reavers sometimes lose 4 wounds to a regiment of Archers. I just meant, there are other options for chaff? If pegasus knights are the goal, then why is shitty archers not being available such a breaking point? Is this just nostalgia or stubbornness?

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Well, that’s true. Green lady has two great chaff options. Both pegasi and woodland critters make great chaff (much better than archers, IMHO).

I don’t think it’s order of the green lady that’s the problem. (copying here my post in this thread from months ago).

The green lady list is very viable and remarkable close to the original bretonnian list. I would love to build an army, if only there’s not a thousand other projects that have priority… That said, I don’t get the focus on pegasus knights. A 255 horde (excluding the mandatory upgrade with pathfinder) with only TC, no thank you.

If you want to build a flying circus, take kingdoms of men army as @Sceleris suggested. 9 regiments of archers, 3 captains on pegasi, 3 wizz on pegasi, 3 generals on pegasi = 1.890 points. Not the most fun or effective army, but definately possible.

My take on the Green lady would be an army centered on men-at-arms and water elemental hordes supported by druids, mounted characters, pegasi, unicorns and beasts of nature. It’s not traditional Bretonnian, but KoW is not Warhammer fantasy.

Knights, good as they are, are more a support piece than a hammer unit due to reliance on TC. Not only has the Brotherhood army changed, the game has changed too. Where cavalry were an almost unstoppable force in koW2 they are no longer as effective as they were. This is because the meta has changed. The availability of phalanx combined with how easy it is to strip TC makes cavalry a reliablity. They can work wonders, but can also be very ineffective.

The Brothermark army list, however, stinks. I’ve posted about this before, so I will not repeat myself.

Right, and that’s what the poster earlier wanted. The only thing OotGL doesn’t provide is human yeomen, and this was touted as a big issue? To the point of having no options? When, like, no. Just bring pegasus…

I think that many people do have an emotional attachment to the old Bretonnia of gw which they then transferred to the 2nd Ed Brotherhood because it was such a good (maybe too good) port for them. In fact the addition of key beasts and monsters really improved that.

Brothermark on the other hand is bland, and the appeal of the brotherhood was indeed that blend of ordinary dudes like chump archers, knights, and mystical creatures. Which the Brothermark doesn’t have.

Lore wise the Brothermark is an interesting step forward. Army wise it isn’t.
Saying just play OOGL doesn’t help because it’s not what they want.
Unfortunately there isn’t any official solution to give people back what they had (and people always feel worse if you take something they had away)
Brothermark is moving into the zone of basiliea and the green lady order is in her sphere now.

Kow is a brilliantly balanced game, so with friends play a home brew list for fun and to collect the army you want, and for official games break it down into something else.

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From a modeling perspective, the two naiad options make perfectly viable archers and spearmen, so can easily be used in OotGL lists

While I saw the advantage of the old Brotherhood for Bretonnia Players, I like the Brothermark more.
I was never a big fan of the new Bretonnia after 6th Edition, liked the classic Knight theme more

So now the Brothermark, although it is not many units to choose from, is perfect for me to get those Knight themed armies into play
Thinking more of Crusader Armies, Knightly Orders, or late Normans in Spain which are not that interesting to play as KoM.

Thinking more about this, OotGL is more like how Bretonnia might have looked like if they got an 8th Edition Army book (were Brothermark is the 4th/5th Edition army)

I’d happily play someone that patched together a fluffy Brotherhood list. Hopefully they’d be up for playing against something resembling old skool Herd. Similarly, I’ve mulled over a patchwork of units to represent a straight port over of GW Dark Elves - with Hydras etc.