Keno's Undead - (probably) never finished

I signed in for my first ever tabletop tournament. A local 2000p KOW 3rd tournament in Osnabrück. The only problem though is, I only painted about a 1000p so far. I found this thread really helpful and it kept me going, so I’m going to use this again. Here starts my road to 2000p!

I guess this means @WolleK will know my army composition in the end…:slightly_smiling_face:.


A good step to go to a tournament. Lots of new people to meet and fun to have :slightly_smiling_face:

And for the list: I dont think that is a big deal for KoW. Its more a thing of the past (WHFB), when nasty Combos of artefacts were seen as the way to suceed by the Internet.
I posted my own list in the past for an upcoming event on (as a part of a discussion) no problem :wink:

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I’m yet to play a game of KOW, anyway. So I’m not going to the tournament to win. It’s to meet other players, play a few games, see interesting armies and talk hobby stuff. Oh and beer. :wink:


Hey, just read through your plog, that army looks fantastic. The similarity of the overall scheme, and the slight variations in muddy Zombies and stuff work together very well, and this 2000 points goal is something nice to achieve :wink: Trying something similar on my own atm.
Your army reminds of my own undead, the variety of models and units is nice to see growing over the time (mine were started meanwhile almost 20 years ago, and still there adds up something from time to time :slight_smile: )

So keep going, more undeath is good undeath!

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Dankeschön! I’ve read through your thread, too. A very impressive army, you got there! I like the overall ‘feel’ of it. A bit gory, a bit weird, a lot of nostalgia! I remember a lot of the models. A fun read.

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Thanks :smile: I think that describtion fits my army very well

Just a quick update:
I’m working on my Zombie legion. It’s a lot of work for a lousy 170pt! But it is fun work. I made some progress with the corpse cart. I also cut off the bell, and a few bits for better transportation.

And I made a test base for my Revenant cavalry.


That looks fine so far! Have you considered magnetizing the bell? I think that’s one detail which puts some spookiness into the CC, and magnetizing isn’t that hard to do… but that’s my thought on it only. I like the cavalry positioning, it looks how I would imagine undead cavalry without proper organisation skills which only rides forward to have some cuts on whatever lies before them :zombie:

Thanks, I have magnetized the ‘rider’ of the cart. I didn’t like the bell too much, anyway. I’m aiming for a more plain look. Not too many skulls on character models, not too many spikes, not too much cry-out-loud-evil stuff, more cozy fantasy feel.
The cav: that is exactly what I had in mind!

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Speaking of the rider, what’s that model from? Fits perfectly, if that guy isn’t called Igor in at least one version of a player I loose my faith in the people :smiley: btw I have exchanged mine too :smile: The original one either seems too cool for just being on the CC, or too plain xD

‘Igor’ is from Heresy Miniatures. Originally, he was part of my Mortheim warband. I’m not quite sure if he got promoted or degraded…

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I edited my army list. I had to cut on units. If I want to paint 2000pt, I need to get a few costly heroes. I realized that while painting Zombies :wink: So here are my three kings, who will lead the army!

Wings for the undead flying wyrm are on their way.


The corpse cart is finally finished. So only a quadrillion zombies to go…


The ranks are filling…

It’s 28 zombies plus the corpse cart, which I count as ten zombies .


That’s coming along nicely!

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Thank you!
I had my first ever game this evening. 1000pt against Order of the Brothermark. Firstly, I really like 3rd edition and KOW. It was fast, tactical and good fun against a very helpful and fair opponent. Secondly, my Gorelight was quite the overachiever! It was charged by a regiment of Paladin Knights, took 9 wounds and stood firm. My werewolf horde and the wraith regiment came to help and routed the knights and in later turns, a horde of spearmen, a champion on a horse, a trebuchet and a horde of archers. It was a daring charge the knights made which, due to bad dice rolls, turned totally to my favour. Skeleton warriors withstood another spearmen horde for three turns, the assisting ghouls were killed. Archers and catapult landed a few hits, not too bad but nothing fancy. I’m quite pleased with my army so far, even if there was a lot of luck involved.


I think the goreblight is a very good unit, which adds enormous damage potential to the shambling tank units in the list. :slightly_smiling_face:

The zombie legion is almost finished! Only ten - fifteen zombies to go.

I also made a paint scheme test for the Revenant King on undead Wyrm.


I really like having the zombies form a crush at the front of the unit. With the last 10-15 are you considering placing a few stranglers in the back corners?

Yes, the last zombies won’t be as tightly packed as the others. Maybe I won’t even need 10 zombies, I’m over PMC already.