Keno's Undead - (probably) never finished

I have found that sometimes its the little things that can finish something off, like drilling out Ork boyz slugga barrels, or some such.

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I’m still working on that wyrm, but someone else is already waiting to get painted:


Much to my oldest son’s delight, I finished my Revenant King on Undead Flying Wyrm!

He’s the biggest monster I’ve ever painted so far.


My third king for the army stands ready:
The Liche King


looks great!

how was the cast on yours? Mine needed a lot of repair on the crown, I lost most of the prongs.

Mine was fine. My Revenant King on flying Wyrm lost two prongs, but I was able to fix it with green stuff.

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I made some progress on my Ghoul horde. 26 ghouls done!


I got rid of my hobby fatigue after a game of Ambush and finished my Ghoul horde!


Looks great!

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Thanks! I’m very happy to have them out of the way. Next up is a Ghoul Ghast and then some Soul Reavers.

I tested a new background on my Ghoul Horde to improve my miniature photos:


Those Ghoul hordes are looking great @KptKeno . I’ve not played against undead in KoW, but they look like they’d be a good and annoying tarpit. As for the photography , i can attest to the benefits of a clear background to help the camera /eye to focus on the subject matter.


Thanks @Nav ! They aren’t much of a tarpit at def 3 and nerve 20/22, but they are relativly fast. At least for Undead…and I like hiw they look. :laughing: I’m by no means a competetive gamer!


The Ghoul Ghast is ready to lead the horde:

Because I’ll use him in KoW and Vanguard, I used this opportunity to start painting my Undead Warband . The Necromancer/Zuinok Iceblood is also done:


After a long pause, 'cause we moved house, I finally made it back to the (quite improvised) painting table and finished my Soul Reaver infantry. Only the base needs to be finished:


“i see dead people!” Those are looking great @KptKeno, Ireally like the ‘Igor the butler’ dude and that awesome Lizard necromancer is seriously sweet.

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Impressive getting 9 on the troop base, they do need a bit of elbow room :smiley:

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It’s actually ten. FMC! Only possible because I used the very 2 dimensional leader.

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Thanks al lot @Nav !

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