Kiki's Goblins

After the Basileans, I started my secondary army some time ago, and here’s my goal (1250 points):

  • Rabble (Infantry) Horde [135]
    • Mawpup [10]
  • Rabble (Infantry) Horde [125]
  • Trolls (Large Infantry) Horde [195]
    • Det’ Packs [0]
    • Staying Stone [5]
  • Mincer Mob* (Chariot) Troop [160]
  • War-Trombone (War Engine) 1 [70]
  • Mawpup Launcher (War Engine) 1 [75]
  • Sharpstick Thrower (War Engine) 1 [60]
  • Goblin Blaster (Monster (Chariot)) 1 [65]
  • Winggit (Monster) 1 [120]
    • Bombs Away! [0]
  • King (Hero (Infantry)) 1 [100]
    • Groany Snark [30]
  • Wiz (Hero (Infantry)) 1 [55]
    • Conjurer’s Staff [10]
    • Lightning Bolt (3) [20]
  • Grupp Longnail [1] (Hero (Infantry)) 1 [90]

I want to make it a mostly fun army to play with; I’m not sure it will be powerful. So, I’ve started painting them, and here’s the beginning:

Two regiments that will form the first Horde:

The mincers, really fun to paint:

Especially this one, which I wanted to paint without using Speedpaint:

Same for the Goblin King. Such a shame there’s no official model for Groany Snark. If you have any suggestions for an alternative model, I’d be grateful!

The Goblin Blaster, which I miraculously found for a reasonable price. I added a goblin on top inspired by a model I saw elsewhere. I’m not sure it’s powerful in-game, but I think it is very “Goblin”!

The second horde. You need so many of them! I might make a diorama next time!

I have still some units to paint but I’m glad to share this :slight_smile:


They look sooo good! Love the green skin!

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Keep up the great work! The bright green is really nice :green_heart:

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Those are really great - top quality!

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Thanks everybody :grin: I write all color schemes if you want.

Do you have any suggestions for funny trolls ? I don’t really like Mantic ones… I love Classic Stone Trolls from Warhammer but they are soooo expensive!

Avatars of War makes a nice, slightly grimmer take on stone trolls that you can buy prints of here:

If you can print them yourself or have a friend do it, the files are here and here.

There are loads of other 3D options, some that straight up copy GW trolls old and new, if that’s what you’d like. Not many multi-part kits that are as nice as AOW.

EDIT: You can find these trolls printed for cheaper on Etsy than AOW’s affiliate link :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT2: Looks like Only Games is doing a 25% off sale for Halloween!


Here is my wizard. I love this model!

Thanks for the trolls! It looks great, I’ll use them for the 2000pts army.