Kings of War hex campaign

I remember in Warhammer fantasy there was a hexagon campaign system. I was thinking about trying something like that with my KOW group but not having owned said supplement before, I’m not sure exactly how it would work. Any ideas for making a hexagon campaign are welcome.

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If you google “mighty empires pdf” you can find a copy of the rules online.

From what i can remember, in principle it should be relatively easy to transfer the rules across. You’ll either need to invent some army specific rules for the KoW lists which don’t have a comparable one in WFB or asign those one of the existing ones as you see fit.


That’s what it was called! I couldn’t for the life of me remember. Thank you so much for the information!

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No prob - let us know what you come up with.

I had to jump in back in the long ago days of 2nd ed KoW myself and a few friends developed and played exactly this! I’ve started updating it for 3rd ed (siege rules still need a thrice over for sure) and the naval war and scouting expansions are still a work in progress but I can share some of it here:

You can also check out our attempt at playing it. We only got through the first campaign year before life killed the party though:

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