KOW Campaign Shadows of Dolgarth

With my friends Olivier, Nicolas and Gilles we embarked on a small linear narrative campaign (limited in time) on Kings of War.

Olivier and I will play on the side of good, him taking the Basileans and me the Dwarves. Facing us, the evil alliance will include the Undead of Nicolas and the Goblins of Gilles.

The campaign rules are available on my blog (in french, but you can use google translate on blogger to read)

And so we start with scenario 1 Shadows Revealed on my youtube channel (FR / ENG ):


Second Episode opposing Basilean and Undead

Video report on my youtube channel (FR / ENG):

Text on my blog (FR / ENG) : Les Rêveries de Thalantir: Campagne les Ombres de DOlgarth Episode 2 : Jugement de la foi

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Third Episode opposing Basilean and Undead

Video report on my youtube channel (FR / ENG):

Text on my blog (FR / ENG) : Les Rêveries de Thalantir: Campagne les Ombres de Dolgarth - Episode 3 : Embuscade sous les frondaisons


Episode 4 of Dolgarth’s Shadow Campaign pitting the Dwarves against the Goblins.

Following the burning of Lorn Tragas, the emboldened goblins are now attacking the encampment of the Dwarf Imperial army at the Red Fields. The offensive comes at the worst time since the troops have been called to other fronts.

Will the dwarves be able to resist?

Video report on the Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/0ZSPFFkIpkc

Text report on the blog: Les Rêveries de Thalantir: Campagne les Ombres de Dolgarth - Episode 3 : Embuscade sous les frondaisons

A big thank you to Gilles for his participation.

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Fifth episode of the Shadows of Dolgarth campaign pitting the dwarves against the undead.

Video report on the YouTube channel (FR / ENG):

english subtitles starts at 1:45 (for the intro activate google auto translate)

Text report on the blog (FR / ENG): Les Rêveries de Thalantir: Campagne les Ombres de Dolgarth - Episode 5 : Les souterrains de Caer Conovrin

Following the Battle of Red Fields Camp, the dwarves of Prince Wergyl Nungalir mobilize their forces to face the goblin threat. But an insidious danger has crept underground in the capital Caer Conovrin.

Stone Priest Krofak Fortepanse has discovered that a force of undead has emerged from an ancient gallery to loot artifacts from the necropolis. Krofak gathered what few troops were available after the army’s departure and called on the ancestral guardians to repel the enemy.

A big thanks to Nicolas for his participation.

Sixth episode of the Shadows of Dolgarth campaign pitting the dwarves and basileans against the goblins.
Video report on the YouTube channel (FR / ENG):

Text report on the blog (FR / ENG): Les Rêveries de Thalantir: Campagne les Ombres de Dolgarth - Episode 6 : Assaut sur Lorannis

Attack on Lorannis
As the Basileans discover the return of the Sallazar dynasty, the goblins are on the warpath. Their troops launch a surprise attack on the Basilean border town of Lorannis. Warned by the famous Gavrik Duskhood, the local forces aided by a contingent of dwarves hastily prepared. But will this be enough?

Thanks to Olivier and Nicolas for their participation.