K's Ogres


that’s a shame, hope the repairs go well and the games are fun

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Thank you, there wasn’t much damage, mostly the giant.

I hope the games are fun too. I’ve got a full day of work first though and I’m already exhausted


Boxes! An ogre’s most perilous foe.


A wonderful game versus the ever lovely Dave’s Ogres (goblins and ogres borrowed from Rob). Victory to the ogres!

Highlights of the game included my giant Finn Mac Cooil charging the goblin slasher, utilising the new Slayer rule, and wavering it two turns in a row, then killing it. My boomer sergeant charged a goblin biggit and caused zero wounds. So the biggit counter charged and… caused no wounds. At which point I decided to step back and shot it with a boomer horde and the boomer sergeant, and only just killed it.

Shooters were amazing, routinely plinking damage on to various units, and killing a blaster turn one. Standard bearer with lute of insatiable darkness was awesome adding inspiration and bane chant to boomers and then siege breakers.

All in all, I love the list and won’t be making any changes. I do plan to build some hunters though, and I’d like to add some tundra wolves as counts-as fleabags, so that the army has some hunting hounds and I can use the awesome models.

Now I just need to crack on and get them finished for the end of the year.


Love the conversions.

Going to try plaid and face paint with the colour scheme?

Hope you had fun at the staff event


yeah going to be Manx tartan and some war paint. I had a fantastic game this evening against a goblin and ogre army thanks yeah. Didn’t stay for the second round, too tired. But it was great to play another game.


Yeah… no problem…


ah tartan, the bane of historical gamers everywhere, you’ve done a good job on it the hardest part is contrast though.

I start with a base tone then shade that, then on go the stripes and they get no shades or highlights.


I’m finding the green squares and yellow lines are giving it enough contrast I think, it’s a good colour combination

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WIP alternative Warlord with two handed weapon and Boomstick. I love the Matriarch model but if I make her sword a two hander it would stick way too far forward. So I thought I would make a dynamic alternative.

Current sword to be replaced.



Nice! The bases definetly have that Highlands feel! I’m excited to see the rest of those Ogres.

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thank you very much, I’m glad :smiley:

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Aside from painting the current force of 2,300 points, my plan is to build a third warrior horde, and a hunter horde. These can be swapped out for the berserkers or siege breakers to save points and try out other things. Like swapping the berserkers for warriors, and ditching the boomer sergeant, to try a crocodog wrangler.

Not sure how to differentiate the wrangler at the moment, as I don’t want to put a goblin on there. It would be the only goblin in the army and would feel out of place. I’m thinking of swapping the head and repositioning the legs. Obviously the crocodog upgrades will be alongside units, whereas the wrangler will be on a larger base and running solo so should be clear anyway, but anything to help.

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The crocdog wrangler is h2 cav, rather than larger model - so find a suitable attack animal/haggis creature and use that?

It’s a cavalry base rather than a 25mm square is the point I was making

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Got you - I tended to put unit upgrade tokens on round bases to avoid any possible confusion.

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Crocodog to be wrangled