League of Rhordia Conquistadors

Thanks @Gerrcinn. Yes, I can see you might have problems with pikes in the trees and undergrowth. Still, I don’t have that much in the way of woodland scenery (yet) so I can live with any anachronisms.

I am still hoping the forthcoming Wargames Atlantic release is of a comparable size, although the indications I have seen suggest the minis may be closer to the Fireforge historics.

they have two 28mm scales the historicals are slightly smaller and the sci-fi are chunkier (and I hate this term) “heroic”

I do have a lot of their historics already I’ll take some photos of the irish and persians along side your GW plastic spearmen so you can see the difference later on today

Thanks @Gerrcinn, that would be a great help. I can even out some differences by raising or lowering the base height and choosing the best poses, but anything more than about 10% difference is hard to hide.
I have some old Warlord Games metal Spanish pikemen which are only two-thirds the size of the MOM range. They don’t even look right as halflings.

finally got time to go hoking for you

This should give you an idea of what the conquistadors will be compared to your old GW.


Thanks @Gerrcinn , that’s a great help. The heights look similar, so it’s just that the GW figure is chunkier. Fortunately the WA conquistadors are also fairly bulky so I may get away with it.

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does anyone know where I put these after taking the photo, I’ve just built 4 boxes and I’m two short because of this picture.

Answers on a postcard please

Finally, the next batch of foot guard, with captain and standard. Only another dozen or so for a horde!

I will really have to speed up my painting if I want to get these finished.


Good looking crew, stay strong through the next 12+ :triumph:

I have finally got around to checking to see if the Wargames Atlantic Conquistadores will fit with my converted WFB 6th edition Empire state troops.

When I first started playing KoW, I simply ported over my old Empire army to the new rules, and have since expanded it using old WFB 6th ed. Empire bought on eBay. Given that these figures are now scarce and expensive, I have been desperately searching for an alternative. Fireforge and Oathmark, while slightly smaller, are OK for a more medieval look, but the historical Lansknecht ranges from Perry and Warlord Games are simply to small to mix and match.

Fortunately for me, it looks like I can use the Wargames Atlantic miniatures. Below is a photo of the sprues; WA on the left and WFB 6th ed. state troops on the right:

As you can see, the WA torsos are similar in style to the the WFB ones (at least for my purposes) and sufficiently bulky to match in size. The WA arms are thinner (particularly the forearms) and the hands smaller, but previous experience suggests that this is not critical. The weapons are much smaller and have had to be changed out to match. The WA heads are also smaller (in some cases much smaller, varying according to the style), but as WA were generous enough to give me a wide selection of heads, I could mix and match.

Below are photos of two miniatures, one made from WFB 6th ed. parts (apart for the helmet conversion), and one from WA parts. Both had had the original weapons removed and the hands drilled for pikes. The WA model is on the right as seen from the front:

From a size point of view, I am delighted with the result. I now can’t wait for the WA Mounted Conquistadores!


Personal preference, i like the WA mini more. They look good together though

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They are indeed a nice set of sculpts and, with the extra half sprue, good value as well.

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