Monster March- painting topic

That looks mighty Findol.
I finished the diorama for my Imperial Roman General, and his bodyguards, but it needs better lighting to get a good picture., so you are not the only one late.

Roman Imperial General diorama which can easily be added to for a regiment in KoW,

I have enough Imperial Praetorians left over to make a troop of heavy infantry, but i’ll need to tidy them up a bit after their wash.

“Freinds, Romans, Countrymen…bring me your ears.”
“What’s ‘e sayin’?”
“'E said summat 'bout ears!”
“I guess dey is easier to carry den full 'eads!, easier to preserve too!”
“Bleeding barbaric, all da same!”


Love that archway Nav! Where is it from!

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thanks Findol. The archway is from a Kickstarter my son invested in, a few years ago. It was enough terrain peices to do a few different tables.

That part is from the ruined Monastary bits of it. They are from Battle Systems Fantasy Wargaming Terrain


Here’s a post for ambush april!

I normally play Vanguard but have accidentally painted enough dwarves for a 500pt Ambush force…

Apologies for slightly poor photos!



#MonsterMarch7 is over and here is the link to the final update. Many thanks to all participants and I hope to see you all next year again!


I’m not sure if I managed to paint all those in March, @Swordmaster . Usually, I’d be happy with doing a sprue of 10 infantry miniatures at a time, or the equivalent.
10 is a good number to work on, or maybe, 10 being glued, 10 with primer drying, 10 getting a base colour and 10 on final touches.

Maybe work ongoing on a base or two, too.
That is stretching it. Maybe two of the five stages on a good day.
Today is an exception to the rule, as I just finished the final touches on 20 Roman Veterans, and their bases, and I find my next 3 sprues catching up on me. Three troops of 10 Imperial Roman Legionnaires, which can be a bit of a challenge

So, I’ve broken my own rules and started base coating the whole lot at the same time.


With all the Auxiliaries done, I’m focusing on the Romans now. To date, I have 160 plus Imperial Roman Legionnaires, including 2 regiments of Veterans and 2 units of Praetorian Guards on foot.

Prior to the final touch ups on the face etc.

With the 30 I’m now working on, and the final 3 sprues, they would be 220 miniatures, plus artillery, Cavalry and HQ options… plus of course , a similar number in Auxiliaries


Well I’ve been severely ill the last weeks so I hardly got anything done painting or otherwise, but I did finally get around to finish the last bits and pieces on my monster March entry and finished the actual painting stage at least … yeah a bit late! doh!

A bit frustrating too as there wasn’t all that much left to do, but I just didn’t have the time / energy for it. But it’s finished now, still needs varnish, basing and a rider … but I do like how the painting turned out up to this point. (And hope I don’t mess it up when varnishing! :wink: )


Sorry to hear mate.

Dragon is lovely - I’ve just started painting my D&L one and they are great models

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Thanks and yap love those models! Wish Mantic did some new dragons on par with those sometime … or possibly do a joint Kings of War Dragon special with the D&L guys. They already have the Dragon plastic sprues :wink:

Well that probably won’t happen I know, but I’d kinda like the idea… or just new Dragons from Mantic :wink: (I kinda like the Dungeon Dragon they have in the shop recently and ordered one … but it’s sadly way too small for a 75mm KoW Titan base and looks tiny next to KoW Titans or even some monsters.)


Having invested in one of those headsets with a bright blue light and a brace of lenses to give better focus, I thought I’d put it to good use, by repainting one of my giants. The Mantic giants are wonderful models, with plenty of detail , so a great challenge to my new glasses :dark_sunglasses:


i had considered putting this in April’s post, but as it’s the 8th May, both options are overdue, so i’ll stick it with the others.

I’m still undecided if the armpit hair is going too far.
It’s not as if the miniature is starved for detail, or even that I haven’t made it uniquely mine.