Looks great!
Those are looking sweet! I’m currently re-painting my old Goblin Wolf Riders, which were GW models. The single wolf rider looks like a LOTR one, but the others at a guess i’d say Oathmark, or rather a mix of GW and maybe oathmark, based on the pictures on the box. Is that correct? I love the position on the howling wolf one.
They are 3D printed. Stl’s by EmanG. No longer available if you don’t already have them unfortunately. GW took legal action against EmanG and the files were taken down. Link to that story here: Printed Minis and the Power of the Copyright Claims Board - Plagiarism Today
My understanding was that EmanG was capturing the renders from Warhammer Total War game and turning them into .stls
They look just perfect
Yeah, as much as I’m against GW’s greedy business practices and the way they exploit gamers’ passions, in this case they were legally in their right.
And frankly, there;s other options in the market that are not a 100% copy of GW’s models. For instance, Mantic. I love their fleabags.
I agree the mantic fleabags are great. In this case I was looking for models that would be close to the style of my existing GW wolves which are in this thread above. Many of the alternate modes I looked at were too different and looked out of place in my opinion.
Actually, I just looked back at the top of this thread. Since I shared those photos I have completely rebased these units. They look quite different now and far more dynamic. I’ll have to take some updated photos and share them here.
ironically, I ended up with some wolf riders for Father’s Day, some GW AoS snarlfang, which are very much in the realm of LOTR for sleek hungry wolves, rather than the Old GW models i have or the Northern Alliance Tundra version, though i like them all.
Here are some close ups of the regiments. Most are based 100x50 (Troop) so that I can be flexible in composition.
Here are my Kings on Chariots. I originally made these for Warhammer Fantasy in the days when you used to have to target mounts and riders separately. Therefore I made copies of the bosses to be able to be dismounted from the chariot too.
Da Wiz! The cloaks are genuine wolf hides. Model wolves that is! Made by hollowing out some wolf heads with a Dremel.
Followed by the BigGits! and a Flagger.
My next project for these guys are a couple of Chariot Hordes. Perhaps one with bows and another with spears. Or I might even do the magnet thing and make them convertible.
Really lovely work - great stuff.
As promised, here is a legion of chariots. Played these guys at Ringwood, Vic. AU Kingsmas Bash Tournament ‘24, where in their maiden voyage, ran in to @Bensome ’s Gobbo’s in a ‘green on green.’ I think I’ll be giving these guys another run at CANCON ‘25. AU
The legion of chariots is a huuuuuge base. So huge that I managed to fit my aragnarok-spider on it!
Did it perform for you?
I have done exactly the same with my Arachranok. Really fits the role as a goblin chariot.
So far the legion has performed ok. It’s a scalpel unit not a hammer. Tends to get bogged down in terrain too much. Probably needs to run with a Bane Chanter to mitigate the disorder when moving through terrain. I think about running it with the Boots but I prefer Wine of Elven Kind. A nimble legion is fun!
Looks absolutely fantastic!