Movement effects for spell caster

If a spell caster moves in the movement phase and then cast a spell in the shooting phase does he suffer a -1 modifier for moving… as if he shot a bow?

Some spells list modifiers like “if enemy is in cover or stealthy” then there is a modifier applied 5+ to hit. But I cannot find where that applies to movement of spell caster.


The wording is something along the lines of ‘spells hit on 4+ and ignore all modifiers, including from special rules, except where listed’

Therefore as movement isn’t listed it doesn’t have any effect.


Perfect THANKS !

“Spells always hit on a 4+ and ignore all the normal to hit modifiers for ranged attacks …” page 48 but don’t forget that it also states, “A model that Moves At the Double cannot use spells that turn.”

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Thank you sir, will make note about moving at the double GOT IT! Thanks

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no problem.

Remember also about Line of Sight, even if the spell itself ignores cover, the spellcaster still needs to see some part of the target to cast it, as with any other attack, so a Goblin Wiz, cannot see over a horde of goblin rabble to cast a fireball as they are all height 2, so remember this before you move the rabble and/or Wiz into a position as there is nothing worse than a spellcaster who can’t cast his spells because he can’t see for his own units. This can be a key decision in whether or not to mount your magician