NA ravens & new plastic infantry

The plastic ravens especially look really nice - and being so easy to swap out the riders means things like KoM flying beast cavalry and OotGL forsaken get easy access to mantic options.


The new Northern Alliance rules are now up on the Companion (as an NA 2023 list, so the old rules are still there).

Lots of units over and above those teased/sneak previewed got some tweaks - including a new frostclaw hero


There is now a Varangur 2023 list with the updates to those units which they shared with NA (so there aren’t two variants of clansmen floating around, for example) - but would expect tweaks to the varangur only units come Clash book


Was hoping the ravens would sneak into the Free Dwarf list this summer but I’m guessing we’ll need to wait until the rumored Dwarf redux on the way.


Yeah, the varangur update just ensures parent and theme list units are the same - even if they benefit the former way more at present


My understanding is ravens and ordered march will find their way into the dwarf lists in CoK 2024.

There’s also some talk of bringing other armies up to par with CoK 2024 on Facebook threads complaingibg about NA power creep.
How true that is and what it means would be speculating though.
I’m not convinced that the complaints are warranted, so it might mean something minor.


Fair point and COK is where we should be looking for these things, I just happen to be painting a Free Dwarf army for a late September tournament and would 110% add ravens over other stuff :sweat_smile:

Lulz. NA are pretty obviously a low tier army, getting some tools to play the game - and distinguish themselves further from the far more popular and successful Varangrr - doesn’t feel like power creep to me, it feels like a balance update or ‘faction refresh’ if you will. I’m thrilled that a lot of what we’re seeing pushes the existing NA combined arms + synergy angle … but jury is still out on whether combined arms can actually be good at KOW 3E. It exists in other armies and isn’t lighting the tournament world on fire.

I am excited to see the updates to other army’s ASB-style heroes, really happy that they’re being buffed after inspiring was largely unlocked back when.


I strongly agree.
I also don’t think that nightstalkers got significantly better overall.

I suspect that this will be the main update.

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I almost whinged that the NS update seems like power creep, but I think the loss of Planars as a separate entry is a stronger negative than the gaining of slightly-better Boomers. Leapers exist for sure but haven’t landed with the stat package I expected (which is fine by me!)


Agree there too.
The new units have trade offs for their abilites (mostly being less durable) and the rest looks more or less even.

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