Nightstalkers & Twilight Kin

WiP count-as shadowhound and a kitbashed dreadfiend.


Next bunch of WiP stuff - reapers, ravagers, a butcher fleshtearer and a couple of kitbashed heroes.

I appear to have accidentally pre-ordered some TK stuff (ambush set, voidtouched, void skifts) :wink:

Everything with have the same type of basing, even where there is no crossover between the two lists…

The mutated stuff will get the same paint scheme as the NS and use a similar blue/black/purple cloth & armour style used on the doppelgangers for the more elven TK - just with pale flesh tones.


First of the slightly off the wall purchases for an upcoming swing into Twilight Kin - shieldwolf shieldmaiden valkyries!

Phantoms are in the list but really not a fan of the mantic models as a unit (as a standalone hero think its fine), so winged vaguely elven types work for me for flying infantry.

Depending on exactly how the TK corsairs scale there is potential for part swaps etc (they certainly fitted with the original NA half elves/kin hunters) and based on the sprue shots seem stylistically doable.


Reapers and dreamhunter painted.

Having seen the first lot of the TK rule previews, definitely think there is milage in using some of the shieldwolf models/bits stuff for things like the wranglers (reaper herder type unit), or for the fleetwardens (Phalanx/cs), in addition to using some winged ones as phantoms.


Next batch of stuff painted - ravagers, butcher fleshtearer, dreadfiend and Esenyshra



So WiP of a void captain conversion for the TK - shieldmaiden and reaper kitbash.

Kept the colour scheme generally in line with the NS stuff - but with paler/purple tinged skin colour.

FYI - this is the forthcoming Mantic release.


Picking out a few more details in blue and silver is a good call. Helps them stand out but also keeps the theme.

Started working on some bases.

Going to be dark sand, light stone/ruins and red/purple for the ‘void’ sections, plus I’ve some pale green/grey tufts and a pack of skulls for extra scatter/contrast


Basing underway for the combine army while awaiting the TK stuff (LGS I’d ordered from weren’t sent any Ambush sets so slightly delayed).

Skulls and army painter deadland tufts to be added - and I’ve subsequently painted a layer of the GW Blood for the Blood God technical paint over the ‘void’ bits.

Also, via a 3rd P pic, actually seen how big the Impalers are going to be compared to the infantry! - something not really clear in mantic preview ones.


So, once i can be arsed to sit down and clean up a load of the gw skull pack, I’ll add them to the bases for these.

PMC has not been invoked for the reapers - it definitely looks full with with 10, so sod that!

Both the butcher fleshripper and the reaper souldrinker are on oversized bases - the latter as there is no chance in hell of the plastic reapers fitting on a 20mm base - the former as i forgot when doing the base!


Army shot so far and pics of the other units.



Mindscreech, kitbashed Esenyshra and shadowhounds (WGA harvesters).

Small (so far!) TK force had arrived.

The corsair arms fit well enough on the shieldwolf shieldmaidens/valkyries so can kitbash bits and pieces together.

Built some count-as phantoms


I will pick up the mantic TK heroes pack, but had been browsing potential alternatives and ran across these - GW Underworld Shadeborn (also a Daughters of Khaine kit)

The two on the right fit nicely as assassins - the arms/hands scale with corsair & scarecrow bits so will swap out the crossbow for something else

The middle one will probably get the sword from the corsair sprue in place of the dagger and use as void captain.

The bigger floaty one is ideal as an alternative navigator


I had my eye on these some time ago. Pretty cool and fitting thematic sculpts there!

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So as people might have seen elsewhere, the navigator and void captain from the hero set are rather a lot bigger than the regular corsairs!


The above GW ones are a touch bigger scale than the corsair models, but nowhere near as extreme - although the poses are more dynamic/larger. Also shown is a shieldwolf shieldmaiden.

With regards to the latter, the arm swaps work nicely so here are the kitbashed handlers for the first of the wrangler units.


This should work nicely as a navigator on void skiff


Needlefang regiment done (smaller bugs also from the WGA harvester kit)


NS army to date, plus kickbashed dreamhunter