Order of the Green Lady first list

So, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with the idea of a late medieval-style Green Lady force - aesthetically I’m looking for sort of an Autumn of the Middle Ages feel, all pageantry and chivalry covering up the end of an era. And I’m pretty sure this is going to be my first King of War army after the intro box I got six years ago. I’m thinking of this list here, but advice would be very welcome.

Order of the Green Lady - 2000 points

Men-at-Arms Retainers - Horde - 175
Men-at-Arms Retainers - Horde - 175
Order of the Brotherhood on Foot - Regiment - 145

Nothing fancy here, just a neat, dependable anvil to limit enemy movement possibilities and take hits

Order of the Brotherhood - Regiment - 245
Brew of Strength
Banner of the Green Lady
Order of the Brotherhood - Regiment - 215
Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
Order of Redemption - Regiment - 270
Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar

A nice, big set of hammers to match the anvil

Beast of Nature - 205
Noxious Mist
Beast of Nature - 205
Noxious Mist

Fast and nimble units to fix problems and remove nuisances/chaff/artillery

Examplar of the Brotherhood - 80
Blade of Slashing

I thought I needed at least one unit that can get in the way of flank charges, and I didn’t want to take pegasi because I can’t afford the models at the moment.

Druid - 165
Bane Chant
Lightning Bolt
Wind Blast
Forest Steed

Yes, I’m aware I have nearly twice this guy’s value in items and spells on him. The idea is that he can support the cavalry in three ways: removing chaff with LB, Wind Blasting units out of alignment to create charge opportunities, and Bane Chanting them to hit harder when necessary/useful.

Druid - 115
Shroud of the Saint
Bane Chant

This guy is meant to provide inspiring and heal to the anvil, hopefully keeping them in the fight a good, long while.

Further considerations:

Some choices have been determined by either aesthetics or money considerations over battlefield effectiveness - even if I don’t really know what’ll be effective yet.

The beasts of nature are there because I want griffin knights. Who doesn’t want griffin knights?
The Order of Redemption is there because I’m a sucker for elites.

There are no elementals or pegasi because those are more expensive models than Perry Twins War of the Roses, and I’m just a student. In time, I’ll at least get some Fireforge Pegasus knights as either single pegasi or the Order of the Forsaken or both, but not yet.

So, any help?


I know you mention the cost yourself, but I would drop Wind Blast at the point you buy the Boomstick. Or I’d go Wind Blast & Zephyr Crown instead of lightning. For 165 points you could buy two Druids and have 35pts left to spend on them, plus you’d have an extra source of Inspiring.

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Yes, I was afraid you’d say that :smiley:

What should I spend the extra points on though? More horses? More retainers? Pegasi?

Thanks for the advice!

How about a Unicorn? One with wings and LB comes to 165.

The Unicorn has better stats and 5 dice for spells.

I’ve started taking +1 hit on my Knights (Basilean / Abyssals) as it has the same effect in the charge as the movement items but helps against Phalanx and in the grind .

Sharpness is one of those items that is pricy (obviously!!) but turns a knight reg into a real killer if given a free charge, while it becomes nasty in the grind (esp with bc).

Giving it to the one with the banner gets most bang for the bucks, but scattering the good stuff around leaves multiple units you can’t ignore

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Good idea! I still need to internalise just how many items it can be a good idea to take in KoW…

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So, years later, the army is taking shape and there’s a tourney near where I live, time to review this. This is my current plan at 2300:

Retainers Horde 175
Retainers Horde 175
Druid + Bane Chant 85

Order of the Brotherhood Rgt + Banner of the Green Lady + Brew of Strength 245
Examplar Redeemer 180

Order of Redemption Rgt + Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar 270
Order of the Brotherhood Rgt + Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding 215

Order of the Forsaken Horde 255
Examplar Redeemer + Winged Unicorn 205
Examplar Redeemer + Winged Unicorn 205

Centaur Bray Hunters Troop 105
Centaur Bray Hunters Troop 105
Pegasus 80

This is the plan:

The retainers to occupy objectives, take ground, and invite charges, the druid to provide BC, Heal, and Inspiring. They can take a few hits, and roll enough dice you can’t really ignore them too easily. The three groups of hammers (two squads of knights and the united flyers) to position wherever terrain guides them and smash things. If the retainers can draw charges so as to give them flanks/rears, so much the better. The centaurs and pegasus are chaff, to be assigned to the hammer groups as necessary.

I also have models for: examplar of the brotherhood on foot; three troops of heartpierces, druid on horseback. I can break up the forsaken into more pegasi if that’s a good plan too.

Any tips?

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i would combine the two order of the brotherhood regiments into a horde. replace the centaurs with Pegasi. Ypu should free up enough points for a second druid if you want to play two hordes of retainers.

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Thanks for the tip! Expanding the Brotherhood with hammers into a horde is defnitely on the agenda for my next purchase; and more pegasi may come some time after that. Centaurs are really just filling in until I can dig up the money somewhere.

I’m curious though, what’d I do with a second druid with the infantry? If I got some more points loose, I think they’d be better spent on a bit of ranged threat? Or no?

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with one druid you can only buff one unit per turn and you have to choose between heal and bane chant. With two you can support multiple units. The idea is to give each retainer horde its own supporting druid. And by that thought you may consider replacing the exemplar redeemer with a druid on horse or unicorn to offer bane chant to the Knight Horde.


Good advice! Should the unicorn have Heal or Lightning Bolt for its free spell, do you think?

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So, upon playing my first full-size game, I thought some more. I got comprehensively tabled because my opponent positioned well, invited me to take risky positions and charges, which I did, and promptly flubbed everything, wavered, and lost. The main problem was therefore with me and not the list. However, he had some advice.

Firstly, he said to swap out the retainer hordes for regiments (cheap US) and use the remaining points on more knights. Probably wise, but I can’t get more knights right now. So that leaves me with two options:

I ended up fielding an examplar and a druid on horse instead of the retainer. The horse druid was really useful when I remembered his existence. The examplar was completely hopeless and will be scrapped.

I can either leave it at that, use the fifty points that gets me to upgrade one of the Bray Striders to Brotherhood centaurs with Skirmishers boots, and give both hordes a defensive item.

Or I can drop the hordes to regiments, freeing up 200 points in total, which I can then spend on either a regiment of Heartpiercers, a Champion of the Green Lady, or an Examplar Redeemer, plus sundry items.

Getting more knights is probably the vastly better idea, I know, but I don’t have more knight models at the moment, and no real way of getting them for now. Maybe around Christmas…

So, does anyone have a brilliant insight?

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