Painting topic - Terrific Twenty-four

that’s a nice looking monster you’ve got there Nav, I pity the people who get on the receiving end of him bouncing around the battlefield.

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Yap, really nice conversion @Nav ! :slightly_smiling_face:

And I’m intrigued by the last picture @Nav : What you’re using the toothbrush for? :grin:

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he grooms the frostfang with it, it calms the beast and stops it from chasing after the frostwings


Many thanks @Gerrcinn and @Mikes . what’s not to love about a big stompung monster that can fly ? The Chimera is still perhaps a bit expensive, but the Frostclaws certainly add to the diversity and build options of the Northern Alliance, as does the champion.


@Mikes The toothbrush is for cleaning the old paint on my Half Elf Berserkers as i’m going to mix 10 of the old and 10 new into a regiment of Hlaf-Elf Berserkers

I’m loving how those wings came out. Very appropriate for a Frostclaw Champion. Brrrrrr

Sometimes, the painting gods just smile at you… it certainly wasnt planned in advance


A student of the dark arts joins the zombie Legion WIP.

8 weeks until Wet Coast GT. I got a lot of work to do…


Mindscreech trio finished


I’ve just cleaned up this thread and cleaned out most of the pics to save space, and left just 2 decent ones, and added them and more in my 4000 point Northern Alliance thread instead, using a better camera that actually focuses.


Another Troop of Shadow Hounds

Once I finish off the last of the official Mantic models with the Regiment I’ll start looking for alternative models. I like them, but even the resin box doesn’t offer a lot of variety. I may start mixing in some of the Abyss doggies in the usual sunset scheme.


Goreblight, Wight horde, and Zombie Legion #1 are finished!


Awesome !
Lots of nasrty Gribblies

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Thanks Nav; I do love my gribblies!

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Not mine, but my dad. I’ve posted his stuff before. He retired and I convinced him to try painting to fill his time. Never painted in his life but has really taken to it.


go dad, that’s a really nice paint job.

Is it part of a larger force or is he just painting things that appeal to him?

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I print off various things for him to paint. When he visits over the holidays he exchanges painted stuff for fresh prints. My sons and I have 5 armies between us, so we just add units from time to time. It gives Grandpa some variety in what he paints.


Nicely done @Cartwright ad @Cartwright Senior. Fair play to you both. At times like this, I’m reminded that they found great results when they gave airfix models to Vets to help cope with PTSD.


Drakon Lord work in progress … next attempt at a face again. :nerd_face:


Looking great @Mikes . It is good to see someone else trying to u their game when it comes to detailed faces on smaller miniatures. I’m currently painting some of the new Northern Alliance army set, in particular , the new Pack Hunters with bows. The models come not only with both arms, but also heads and quivers of arrows made from resin instead of soft plastic, and the extra detail possible is noticable. Added to that, the promotional pictures for the model have stepped up, so you can not say to yourself, “This is as good as possible for such a smalll detail.!”
The cads have even given the heads eyebrows. Have they no pity or shame for the poorly skilled amatuer like myself? :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Nav! And yep challenging oneself every now and then is great. But I have to warn you, going down that route (painting eyes / faces) is not for the faint of heart … and certainly not “wise”.

I’ve got 40 Seaguard with painted eyes and some with full faces (those without faceguards), but do you think anyone noticed at the tournaments I was at?

Nope! … to add insult to injury one player at my first tournament didn t even recognize the El’Rik Nisleen model as male (from tabletop distance) and kept referring to it as “your mage Lady over there” … okay that could also have been the usual “all elfs look like girls teasing” … but the Mantic ones really don t … which makes it even worse! :sob: :exploding_head: :rofl:0


Ouch! still, if we knew it was within our remit to do better, and declined to try, we would know. We generally are our own worst critics. There are many times I’ve considered a project done, and taken pics of it and posted it. Then. looking at the pics online i spot something i missed… two weeks later, I’m still tweaking the previous tweaks again…
:slight_smile: Eventually, i have to intercede against my own self,;
“Hey Buddy, put that brush down and walk away! Nothing to see here, ya dig?”

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