Really fun model to work with. Wasn’t sure how the pink/turquoise transition was going to work with the large surface area of the wings but came out quite nice. Makes me want to jump the gun and get a Void Lurker now.
Well well … is it April yet? Dang! /hangs head in shame …
Lots of great projects completed during monster March, thanks for the pictures! … my own project is still stuck in the middle somewhere sadly, … mh … like - almost - always during last years Monster Marches … no idea how that happened … again … , but - as always - I ll keep trucking at my own pace until that Drakon too will be finished!
Current state: Base coated and multiple washes applied as well as a little dry brushing on the scales. Some detail work done on the legs/claws:
Normally I end up with no monster left to paint by March, and I’m a couple of days late now, but I’ve finished repainting and redesigning a ‘Fire Giant.’
" getting done eventually is the important part! … we said we d finish those models in March … but not which March, right?"
heheh, I like that logic @Mikes
It’s finished when it’s finished, @Vince, at least until you want something of it for another project or you think it needs to be improved. I’m still tinkering on the Fire Deamon/Giant with wings dude. it’s almost done, I think… maybe
It’s only 19 days late, but finally: here’s the model finished!
I love the fact that my gobz have a decent centrepiece now!I dub him “Gubbah the Goliath”