Well…there are never enough goblins or goblins threads so I’ll add my own. Ik have tons of old GW material.
Squig hoppers. They are meant to be a placeholder fleabag riders, but sometimes I use them as a mawbeast pack
Well…there are never enough goblins or goblins threads so I’ll add my own. Ik have tons of old GW material.
Squig hoppers. They are meant to be a placeholder fleabag riders, but sometimes I use them as a mawbeast pack
A goblin wolf rider Boss or in this case I’ll use it as a Goblin Biggit on a Fleabag
A Biggit on foot. He already proved his worth by attacking the nightstalkers from behind. It was an excellent job well done. Attacking from behind is the preferred way to fight anyway.
There is something about that old school character and charm that’s just splendid.
Goodmorning, Another Biggit and I just love this model. I only have this one pic
A Goblin blaster, sorry I still have no rider on it. This one has seen many, many battles and is really insane if you manage to attack from the side or rear. Great fun!
I like GW Squig Riders as KoW Fleabag Riders and the GW Squig Herders as Mawbeast Packs in a Squigy themed army with a GW Mangler Squig as a Slasher. I’ve alway imagined a spitting Squig as the KoW bolt thrower attack. Goes well with the giant Squig spitter from Forgeword as Mawpup Launcher