Oh wow, did not expect so much information. Thank you very much you are truly a tutorial machine. Will definitely try to approach next fleet with sails in a manner like this, though I may or may not have just bought the entire dwarf fleet and avoiding the ire of the wife so could be some time. But once again thank you very much for your help and tutorials overall.
Ahoy folks!
New article on the website. This time I bring to you a scenery piece tutorial.
Tutorial: Kings of War Armada Sargasso
Full article with in-depth writeup here:
Scarhandpainting Armada Faction Guide is now updated with brand new Trident Realms. Anyone interested in getting to know the fleet a bit better is welcome to read the article here: KoW Armada: Faction Guide - Scarhandpainting.com
Hey folks, a new strategy article uploaded to my blog. This time around I’m talking collision baiting, can and can’t do and some general collision stuff.
Ahoy friends!
New article on my blog. Converting Ghost Fleets is at hand!
A brilliant tutorial, once again. Thanks!
New article is up. This time it’s all about Speeding Up Your Play.
Abyssal Dwarf fleet description and strategy added to Armada: Faction Guide
Ghost Fleets faction description added to Armada Faction Guide:
Movement Slingshooting Shenanigans for the Trident Realms and the Ghost Fleets:
Another article is up. A compilation of the Unofficial Errata/Balancing rules that I have been using on my local events. These include:
- Collisions/Evading Errata,
- Gunnery Skills Errata,
- Ghost Fleets Spectral Form Errata,
- Oars/Engines Errata,
- A few Balancing Changes,
Be advised - this is all UNOFFICIAL!
The Armada Faction Guide got updated with the Forces of the Abyss faction description and strategy proposal: KoW Armada: Faction Guide - Scarhandpainting.com
The Unofficial Errata also got some love a while back, adding new balancing patches and game modes.