Simple charge and shooting queries

I think these are too basic to have been asked before! I am fairly sure of the answers but want to double check

  1. Unit A can see unit B and charge. However, a friendly unit blocks unit A from shuffling across. Am I right that the charge is ok and unit A simply shuffles as much as possible.

  2. Shooting at units that are engaged in melee. Basically, if you can see them and they’re in range then you can shoot them as long as you are not in melee yourself.

That is, the fact that the enemy unit (your target, unit X) has been charged by one of your units (unit A) does not prevent you shooting with another unit (unit B)

Hope these aren’t too obvious and i am playing them correctly.


He there! Thats okay, there is no dumb question. Better to check thrice than make an error once. :wink:


1: You’re right.
2: Nope. You can’t fire into a melee.


So very obvious once seen. I was usung the little quick rules book and didnt see it, but as i have the companion too i have no excuse!

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Oh and thanks for the quick and helpful answer!

Having lost to a nine year old yesterday (my daughter) I think it’s fair to say I’m not the best player! The only way is up!


Just to round off point 2 - some spells can be cast into combat:

“Like other ranged attacks, most spells are not allowed to target units that are in Melee combat or Engaged. Spells that have ‘CC’ in the Targets section of their profile, meaning Combat Casting, are exceptions. They may target units in Melee or who are Engaged.”

Note though can’t be engaged when casting these types of spell (with the exception of Host Shadow Beast which specifically allows it)

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Sure about point 1? If it is blocked and unit A can not touch the enemy while using 1 pivot, it isn’t possible, Right (assuming no nimble)? You can’t charge through friendly units. Could be that I misunderstand the word shuffling.

I assume he meant that his unit is able to make contact with the enemy unit, but when going to the align step, his unit is not able to slide across to the center of the enemy unit where it normally goes. Instead it will slide as far as it can before hitting an obstruction and will stand there.
Be aware that this might leave the unit open to a flank charge if the enemy unit survives the charge and wants to either countercharge or declare a new charge, if its leader point is in the flank and the obstruction/obstructing unit is a little bit futher behind that the unit which charged (which would leave a small gap in its flank).

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That’s the correct interpretation and it is an interesting extra point about the flank charge, thanks!

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thx, indeed the flank, never thought about that, thx.