Sturgeon’s Elves

So close to finishing the Hunters of the wild, just have to add the “war paint” over the eyes and varnish them.

Next up the multi-base!

Just to confirm, I want a 125mmx50mm base for a troop of Hunters of the wild? I get paranoid about new things!


Nice work!

Correct on the multibase size.


Thanks @MarkG !


I am pleased to announce that the first item on the list for completion in 2021 is complete. I present to you my multibased troops of Hunters of the wild!

I also managed a few bonus points for doing 3 troops instead of 2. This was because I was originally going to put 7 models on each base, but it just didn’t look right to me, so I painted an extra mini.

I really enjoyed the multibasing. I’m even considering rebasing the whole army in some state of madness. If anyone can tell me the best way to clip out slotta base models I’d be grateful.

Time to finish with a sneak peek of the future.


Nice! Those bases look amazing - plenty of detail but nothing that detracts from the minis.

I think @FredOslow had a method for leaving them based and filling the gaps, but that might be more appropriate for a more regimented army.

Cool pose on the Tree Herder and well done getting him to fit on the base!


On several of my Twilight Kin units I simply glued the slottabases onto a flat multibase, then filled the spaces in between either with some cork first and then spackle/filler, or in some cases just filler.
You can see the start of the units in THIS thread.


Exceptional colors!


Thanks @MarkG! I was hoping the Tree Herder would fit on the 50mm without any assistance, but it was nothing a little cork couldn’t fix.

I think I’m going to do something similar @FredOslow. I remember a few tutorials focused on turning GW square based minis into rounds for AoS that I’m going to try and replicate.

Their answer to the slotta base question won’t work for MDF though. Good thing the minis I want to do this on don’t have metal tabs!

Glad you like them @wilberforce!


Wow! That’s a beautiful combination between High Elves and Sylvaneth, though I may be biased as the spiteful forest pixies are my second favourite range of GW miniatures.

How long did it take to highlight the Drayds to that level? Just thinking about the concentration required makes my eyes water…

Great stuff


Thanks @FutaManticore, glad you like them!

The highlights didn’t take all that long really. What’s great about these minis is that you don’t have to be precise due to the limited colour pallet and the fact that they are mostly bark/vines.

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What an absolutely gorgeous army of elves! Keep it up, i want to see more of this army, youve knocked it out of the park, particularly on the treefolk!


Thanks @Kharegim! I plan to keep going with this for a while yet!

Time for another weekly update!

I’ve been working hard on my Tree herder and I’m satisfied with my current progress.

I have painted 1 or 2 large miniatures before, but this is my first “titan” sized one (on a monster base!). I’ve tried to incorporate some techniques that I don’t normally use on this mini, namely glazing. I did this with the transition of dark blue into turquoise and with the runes. I think I did an ok job but it’s clear I need to work on it more.

This mini has also been a real pain to paint! So many little bits in hard to reach places. I’ve also had to almost completely change the way I paint as the thing is top heavy. However, no pain no gain!


Another week brings us to another update!

I present to you all Ornuk’la, my sinister looking Tree Herder.

He prefers to be called Osothrin, the Lost Shepherd. The Elves would probably still call him that too, if he hadn’t had (allegedly) orchestrated the death of the kings youngest son because he felt slighted…

As I mentioned previously, one of my main aims with this mini was to try out new things, in this case glazing. This was done on his glowing runes, sword and claws. I loved doing the runes, hated the sword and claws.

I watched a lot of videos on making magic looking swords and thought, I can do that! There were 2 things I didn’t appreciate.

  1. Painting a magic sword on a human sized mini is probably a lot easier than on a titan sized one.
  2. Blending to make a magic bone sword (Ha!) doesn’t look as cool as a magic green/red/blue/pink/etc sword.

If I had my time again I would have painted the fingers blue like the bark and the claws/sword green with glazing.

I’m still very proud of this guy, but my experiment is not over yet. Next up is some water effects on the base!


Big lad looks great! I’m a fan of your non-traditional scheme on these Sylvaneth models, the blue is a lot of fun and the bone heads pop really well. Certainly a lot of highlighting involved as well, props on that :sweat_smile:

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Thanks @Boss_Salvage!

Early on when I was testing the scheme I thought the blue made the sylvaneth look a little too much like coral. I’m very happy with it now though, it gives the trees a more otherworldly vibe that fits with their “fae” aspect.

I actually really like line highlighting. Good thing these minis have lots of hard edges!


A quick update for this week.

Finished the tree herder base complete with water effects!

I used a cheap UV resin I bought off eBay. It says it should cure in about 5-10 min in direct sunlight. Well, here in Australia it was about 1 min! Unfortunately, this meant I didn’t have enough time to get rid of 2 giant air bubbles that formed. I managed to cover them up by placing tufts close to the water and sprinkling some leaves on the top. I’m satisfied with the results. My wife deserves all the credit for the idea and execution.

Here is a sneak peek of what’s to come.


Amazing work!

Do you have a link or name for the dragon mini? no worries if not


No worries @MarkG.

It’s from Archon studios dungeon and lasers 2nd edition Kickstarter. It’s now available on their web store.


Cheers! That’s a really interesting range of miniatures I’d not seen before.


What’s this? A middle of the week update, madness!

So I have a little confession to make. Even though this is an Elf army painting blog, the last time I painted an elf was over 2 years ago! As the next item on my 2021 completion list is a dragon lord, I though I better practice painting elves.

This guy is from the old chariot kit, and is one of the oldest GW elf model I’ve painted (mainly been focused on island of blood and up).

First thing I noticed? I don’t paint the same as I did 2 years ago. This guy is much brighter than my other elves.

Secondly, I don’t like him. I think he has a “putty” face. It could be because he is an older model, but I don’t think so. I might go back and add some purple to the recesses, maybe a white dot in the lower lip?

One things for certain, I’m going to be painting elf models until I’m happy with the formula before working on the dragon. I might even paint up a test dragon as well!