The Dwarfs of New Gal'Durak

Here’s a bunch of pictures of my dwarf army that I’ve been working on for a while: The Dwarfs of New Gal’Durak!


Crazy good, Billy! :muscle:

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very nice work @KingBilliamXXXVII, a good selection for the Dwarf miniatures. Love the bearded giant in particular

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You sir, have nailed desaturated orange! Nothing here I don’t like. I’d love to see you tackle more Mantic minis definitely

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I’ve got a few mantic armies painted. I’ll have to post pics eventually

Those are really lovely dwarfs. What stats are you using for Thorgrim on slasher?

I’ve run him as a Basilean dragon before, but really just whatever ally to unlock it.

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That’s just packed with good 'ol dwarf character!

Very well painted as well, both technically and in choice of colours.
Craftsmanship to make any dwarf proud.


Fantastic dwarf army! That giant’s excellent. The basing is something else - I really like the balance between regiment and diorama.

How did you settle on the colour scheme (orange/white with a flash of turquoise)?

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Thank you so much!! I was mostly inspired by the restaurant Whataburger. The turquoise was mostly as a pop color to contrast the general warmth of the rest of the models.


Ok, I’m not the biggest dwarf fan but you got me with the come and take it flag. Very awesome

Fantastic looking army Billy! I just finished your Countercharge episode and it was cool to hear the back story behind this project. The modeling and details have so much character.
Always great to hear some insight from a fellow teacher in the hobby!